Now, back by popular demand (okay, no one really demanded it, but I had fun doing it anyway) -- it's the E.I. Christmas Album! Featuring creative E.I. variations on popular Christmas songs. Only found here! =)
* An E.I. Christmas *
It's The Most Fragrance-filled Time Of The Year
We Need A Little Non-toxic Christmas
The Holly And The I.V.
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Meltdown
The 12 Months Of Detoxing
Do You Smell What I Smell?
God Rest Ye Chronic Fatigue Gentlemen
Hypoallergenic Jingle Bells
I'm Dreaming Of A Normal Christmas
Joy To The Toxic World
We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Healthy New Year
Well, I hope you got a chuckle out of this anyway. =)
Christmas can be a difficult time for those of us with E.I. I'm thankful that regardless of circumstances, we can always celebrate the true meaning of Christmas - God's gift of Jesus.
“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.” -Matthew 1:23
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
E.I. Gift-Giving Guide
Christmas is approaching...the feel of shopping is in the air. =)
The Natural News website has a good article about what NOT to give people for Christmas this year. It's getting harder to find "non-toxic" gifts. You can check out the article at:
Whether the people on your gift list have E.I. or not, my personal recommendation is please do not give gifts that are:
1) made in China (highly toxic)
2) sugary or preservative-laden foods
I know finding just the right gift is sometimes a challenge, especially when you're thinking of someone with E.I. Here a few suggestions I hope will be helpful.
*Glass dishes (not made in China) of any kind are always good.
Most E.I.'s can't use plastic or metal dishes, and clear glass is often hard to find. (We usually watch for them at garage sales or thrift stores.)
*For many E.I.'s a new CD or DVD is always nice. (Even though the cases often smell toxic, I usually put them away somewhere and can still enjoy the disc.)
*Encouraging sermon CD's from your church are a good gift, as most of us are unable to attend church.
*Postage stamps are always a practical and helpful gift.
*Gift certificates to the local health food store or to (if you know they often shop there for needed supplements, etc.).
*Some E.I.'s can't receive anything in the mail (except plain paper letters) without reacting. For them, you might consider donating to a charity in their name. There are many worthy ministries. A few that I personally appreciate are:
1) The Bible League - distributing Bibles all over the world, and much more.
2) Life Today - feeding children, drilling wells, rescuing girls from trafficking, taking care of orphans...they do so much!
3) Samaritan's Purse - relief work, evangelism, Christmas boxes for children, etc.
Well, I hope these ideas are helpful. Most of all, remember that God is the giver of ALL gifts! May we be thankful every day for His generous heart. And may we give to others out of His love and joy.
Happy giving! =)
The Natural News website has a good article about what NOT to give people for Christmas this year. It's getting harder to find "non-toxic" gifts. You can check out the article at:
Whether the people on your gift list have E.I. or not, my personal recommendation is please do not give gifts that are:
1) made in China (highly toxic)
2) sugary or preservative-laden foods
I know finding just the right gift is sometimes a challenge, especially when you're thinking of someone with E.I. Here a few suggestions I hope will be helpful.
*Glass dishes (not made in China) of any kind are always good.
Most E.I.'s can't use plastic or metal dishes, and clear glass is often hard to find. (We usually watch for them at garage sales or thrift stores.)
*For many E.I.'s a new CD or DVD is always nice. (Even though the cases often smell toxic, I usually put them away somewhere and can still enjoy the disc.)
*Encouraging sermon CD's from your church are a good gift, as most of us are unable to attend church.
*Postage stamps are always a practical and helpful gift.
*Gift certificates to the local health food store or to (if you know they often shop there for needed supplements, etc.).
*Some E.I.'s can't receive anything in the mail (except plain paper letters) without reacting. For them, you might consider donating to a charity in their name. There are many worthy ministries. A few that I personally appreciate are:
1) The Bible League - distributing Bibles all over the world, and much more.
2) Life Today - feeding children, drilling wells, rescuing girls from trafficking, taking care of orphans...they do so much!
3) Samaritan's Purse - relief work, evangelism, Christmas boxes for children, etc.
Well, I hope these ideas are helpful. Most of all, remember that God is the giver of ALL gifts! May we be thankful every day for His generous heart. And may we give to others out of His love and joy.
Happy giving! =)
Friday, December 2, 2011
(I know Thanksgiving was last week, but I'm still thinking about being thankful.)
Thankfulness is a powerful antidote to many negative emotions - anxiety, frustration, despair, etc.
Dr. David Jeremiah says that gratitude is an attitude in your heart, but it's not thanksgiving until it's expressed. So today I want to express some of the gratitude that's in my heart. =)
10 Things I'm Very Thankful For -
1) Christmas music!
2) warm Florida winters
3) fresh ocean air
4) organic coconut oil
5) mashed potatoes and gravy (yum!) =)
6) that God created the body with the ability to heal
7) my wonderful friends and family who love me, encourage me, and pray for me
8) the Bible, God's Word - I'd be lost without it!
9) God's promise in Hebrews 13:5b - "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
10) Hope for each new day.
Hallelujah! We have so much to be thankful for!
May you have a blessed weekend, remembering all your blessings. =)
Thankfulness is a powerful antidote to many negative emotions - anxiety, frustration, despair, etc.
Dr. David Jeremiah says that gratitude is an attitude in your heart, but it's not thanksgiving until it's expressed. So today I want to express some of the gratitude that's in my heart. =)
10 Things I'm Very Thankful For -
1) Christmas music!
2) warm Florida winters
3) fresh ocean air
4) organic coconut oil
5) mashed potatoes and gravy (yum!) =)
6) that God created the body with the ability to heal
7) my wonderful friends and family who love me, encourage me, and pray for me
8) the Bible, God's Word - I'd be lost without it!
9) God's promise in Hebrews 13:5b - "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
10) Hope for each new day.
Hallelujah! We have so much to be thankful for!
May you have a blessed weekend, remembering all your blessings. =)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wonderful Vinegar
On this blog I've often mentioned how versatile baking soda is...that you can use it for so many different things. Today I want to talk about another incredible product - Vinegar.
First, vinegar is indispensible in the home.
"Heinz company spokesperson Michael Mullen references numerous studies to show that a straight 5 percent solution of vinegar—the kind you can buy in the supermarket—kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses)."
Vinegar is an effective cleaning agent, deoderizer, and mold remover.
-You can clean with it in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
-You can pour it on moldy sidewalks or other moldy surfaces instead of bleach.
-You can use it to clean out your washer & dryer. Pour about 1/2 gallon of vinegar in an empty washing machine, run it 1/2 full of water, then run a rinse, not full cycle. This will clean out any soap build-up, mildew, or smells. For the dryer, pour about 3 cups of vinegar on a bath towel, then dry for 30-45 minutes. (We do this at least once a month to clean out the washer & dryer.)
-You can set out a bowl of vinegar to help absorb offensive smells.
-You can pour vinegar down the drain once a month to help remove build-up.
There are so many great uses for vinegar in the home! Here's a website with a few more tips: (
(Note: always use Heinze vinegar for home uses. Other brands of vinegar use petroleum products in processing, thus are toxic. Heinz brand is a safe, natural form of vinegar.)
Second, you can use vinegar to promote healing in your body.
-Some missionary friends of ours were exposed to serious pesticides in Venezuela. They used vinegar to help detox the harmful chemicals. - Mix 1 Tbl. of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. of honey in 8 oz of water. Drink it first thing in the morning before you eat. (How long you should do this will depend on how much you need to detox. But my friend said this vinegar drink has also helped her arthritis, so she continues to do it daily.)
-You can use 1-2 oz of organic apple cider vinegar in a detox bath. Run the bath as hot as is comfortable, add in the vinegar, and soak for 10-20 minutes (as long as it's still comfortable).
-Vinegar can help with digestion and has other benefical results in the body as well.
Check out this website for much more information about organic apple cider vinegar:
(Note: when using vinegar internally or externally on the body, always use organic apple cider vinegar. My massage therapist recommends Bragg's brand, as do many other health experts.)
So there you have it, the many uses of wonderful vinegar! =)
If you have any other uses to add, please share them in the comments.
First, vinegar is indispensible in the home.
"Heinz company spokesperson Michael Mullen references numerous studies to show that a straight 5 percent solution of vinegar—the kind you can buy in the supermarket—kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses)."
Vinegar is an effective cleaning agent, deoderizer, and mold remover.
-You can clean with it in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
-You can pour it on moldy sidewalks or other moldy surfaces instead of bleach.
-You can use it to clean out your washer & dryer. Pour about 1/2 gallon of vinegar in an empty washing machine, run it 1/2 full of water, then run a rinse, not full cycle. This will clean out any soap build-up, mildew, or smells. For the dryer, pour about 3 cups of vinegar on a bath towel, then dry for 30-45 minutes. (We do this at least once a month to clean out the washer & dryer.)
-You can set out a bowl of vinegar to help absorb offensive smells.
-You can pour vinegar down the drain once a month to help remove build-up.
There are so many great uses for vinegar in the home! Here's a website with a few more tips: (
(Note: always use Heinze vinegar for home uses. Other brands of vinegar use petroleum products in processing, thus are toxic. Heinz brand is a safe, natural form of vinegar.)
Second, you can use vinegar to promote healing in your body.
-Some missionary friends of ours were exposed to serious pesticides in Venezuela. They used vinegar to help detox the harmful chemicals. - Mix 1 Tbl. of organic apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. of honey in 8 oz of water. Drink it first thing in the morning before you eat. (How long you should do this will depend on how much you need to detox. But my friend said this vinegar drink has also helped her arthritis, so she continues to do it daily.)
-You can use 1-2 oz of organic apple cider vinegar in a detox bath. Run the bath as hot as is comfortable, add in the vinegar, and soak for 10-20 minutes (as long as it's still comfortable).
-Vinegar can help with digestion and has other benefical results in the body as well.
Check out this website for much more information about organic apple cider vinegar:
(Note: when using vinegar internally or externally on the body, always use organic apple cider vinegar. My massage therapist recommends Bragg's brand, as do many other health experts.)
So there you have it, the many uses of wonderful vinegar! =)
If you have any other uses to add, please share them in the comments.
Friday, November 11, 2011
(FYI - I'm putting this post on both of my blogs this week, since it applies to both.)
This week marks 7 years since my health collapsed. 7 years of feeling like my life is on hold. 7 years of learning, changing, healing. 7 years of a strange journey I never would have chosen.
In some ways it feels like I've been in a time warp, stuck at age 25, while the rest of the world moves on. In other ways, I feel like I've aged 15 years, not 7.
Most of my friends are now married with 2 or 3 kids, serving on the mission-field or active in ministry somewhere. They're living the kind of life I always expected to live.
I confess, sometimes I feel impatient with God. Other people with health challenges similar to mine have gotten well in a matter of months. Why must my healing process take so long?
Then I think of my friends Sam & Nathan (twins). They recently turned 37. They've been living with Environmental Illness for almost 20 years. They didn't get to finish high school, never even got their driver's licenses. They've missed out on so many "normal" things in life. They've been enduring and persevering through their illness, day by day, for close to 20 years.
When I think about them, I sometimes get more upset with God than I do over my own situation. What is He thinking? What kind of life is that for my dear friends?
As always, my heavenly Father is faithful to gently rebuke my wrong thinking and remind me of His truth.
- "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." -Psalm 139:16b
- "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup...." -Psalm 16:5a
- "You are good, and what you do is good...." -Psalm 119:68a
- "Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them...When Peter saw him, he asked, 'Lord, what about him?'
Jesus answered, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'” -John 21:20-22
God's plan for each of us is different, but His call is the same - to follow. Wherever our Shepherd leads us....
Is God's plan for my friends in missionary service good?
Is God's plan for my friends Sam & Nathan good?
By faith, I believe it is.
Is God's plan for me good?
How could I doubt it.
I know my 7 years have not been wasted. I know God is working out His perfect plan for me.
And I've learned that it's not the passing of time or my circumstances that matter most - but rather finding joy in the fellowship of my Savior, one day at a time.
"Surely you have granted [me] eternal blessings and made [me] glad with the joy of your presence." -Psalm 21:6
This week marks 7 years since my health collapsed. 7 years of feeling like my life is on hold. 7 years of learning, changing, healing. 7 years of a strange journey I never would have chosen.
In some ways it feels like I've been in a time warp, stuck at age 25, while the rest of the world moves on. In other ways, I feel like I've aged 15 years, not 7.
Most of my friends are now married with 2 or 3 kids, serving on the mission-field or active in ministry somewhere. They're living the kind of life I always expected to live.
I confess, sometimes I feel impatient with God. Other people with health challenges similar to mine have gotten well in a matter of months. Why must my healing process take so long?
Then I think of my friends Sam & Nathan (twins). They recently turned 37. They've been living with Environmental Illness for almost 20 years. They didn't get to finish high school, never even got their driver's licenses. They've missed out on so many "normal" things in life. They've been enduring and persevering through their illness, day by day, for close to 20 years.
When I think about them, I sometimes get more upset with God than I do over my own situation. What is He thinking? What kind of life is that for my dear friends?
As always, my heavenly Father is faithful to gently rebuke my wrong thinking and remind me of His truth.
- "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." -Psalm 139:16b
- "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup...." -Psalm 16:5a
- "You are good, and what you do is good...." -Psalm 119:68a
- "Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them...When Peter saw him, he asked, 'Lord, what about him?'
Jesus answered, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'” -John 21:20-22
God's plan for each of us is different, but His call is the same - to follow. Wherever our Shepherd leads us....
Is God's plan for my friends in missionary service good?
Is God's plan for my friends Sam & Nathan good?
By faith, I believe it is.
Is God's plan for me good?
How could I doubt it.
I know my 7 years have not been wasted. I know God is working out His perfect plan for me.
And I've learned that it's not the passing of time or my circumstances that matter most - but rather finding joy in the fellowship of my Savior, one day at a time.
"Surely you have granted [me] eternal blessings and made [me] glad with the joy of your presence." -Psalm 21:6
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Detoxing Quotes
The lengthy process of detoxing can be annoying, frustrating, even agonizing. My mom and I try to keep a sense of humor through all the pain, frustration, and crazy symptoms.
Here are a few quotes we've come up with to amuse ourselves in the midst of the struggle. =)
"Wherever I go, there my toxins are."
- I often feel like Pigpen (from Charlie Brown) with his cloud of dust following him everywhere.
"Blame it on detoxing."
- Are you feeling irritable, depressed,'s probably from something you're detoxing.
"Don't inhale."
- Always give this warning to anyone you're about to hug.
"Crying washes out the toxins."
- Bursting into tears (because of reactions or symptoms) is never fun, but when it happens, my mom alway reminds me that at least it's another way of getting rid of toxins.
"Eat it today, detox it tomorrow."
- This is especially helpful to remember when I'm tempted to eat some non-organic, preservative-laden food. Is it worth the price of taking 3-4 days to detox it?
"Dare to detox."
- Detoxing is not for the faint-hearted. It takes courage, perseverance, flexibility, a sense of humor, and lots of prayer!
In some ways I think the detoxing process parallels the Christian life. God is continually removing the "toxic" things from our lives and replacing them with His goodness and truth. This process of inner transformation can at times feel annoying, frustrating, even agonizing. But a changed life is well worth the pain.
Spiritual transformation is a life-long journey.
I just hope that the detoxing process isn't.
Here are a few quotes we've come up with to amuse ourselves in the midst of the struggle. =)
"Wherever I go, there my toxins are."
- I often feel like Pigpen (from Charlie Brown) with his cloud of dust following him everywhere.
"Blame it on detoxing."
- Are you feeling irritable, depressed,'s probably from something you're detoxing.
"Don't inhale."
- Always give this warning to anyone you're about to hug.
"Crying washes out the toxins."
- Bursting into tears (because of reactions or symptoms) is never fun, but when it happens, my mom alway reminds me that at least it's another way of getting rid of toxins.
"Eat it today, detox it tomorrow."
- This is especially helpful to remember when I'm tempted to eat some non-organic, preservative-laden food. Is it worth the price of taking 3-4 days to detox it?
"Dare to detox."
- Detoxing is not for the faint-hearted. It takes courage, perseverance, flexibility, a sense of humor, and lots of prayer!
In some ways I think the detoxing process parallels the Christian life. God is continually removing the "toxic" things from our lives and replacing them with His goodness and truth. This process of inner transformation can at times feel annoying, frustrating, even agonizing. But a changed life is well worth the pain.
Spiritual transformation is a life-long journey.
I just hope that the detoxing process isn't.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Super-Hero Food
Popeye had spinach. Mr. T had milk. For Super-E.I. Girl, the super-food of choice is --- Chocolate!
Yes, after nearly 20 years of being allergic to chocolate, it's now my favorite "super-hero food." =)
Thanks to Dr. Smith's CBT allergy treatment, I'm no longer allergic to chocolate. And thanks to my herbalogist I've discovered it's many benefits.
A few quick facts - chocolate is full of antioxidants, rich in minerals, lowers cholesterol, is good for the heart, and improves mood.
(You can find more details online. See -
According to my dr, chocolate is helpful for detoxifying the liver and boosting immune health.
However, the type of chocolate you eat IS important. Organic, dark chocolate, with little or no sugar, preservatives, or milk ingredients is best.
I get Vivani organic, dark chocolate. It has no soy products and very little sugar (organic cane sugar). There are other healthy brands as well.
I only eat 2-4 small squares of chocolate a day (there are 24 squares in one bar, so it's not much). The healthiest serving size probably varies from person to person. Viewing chocolate as a healthy food - to help your body - not as an indulgence, may help you find the right amount for you. =)
Also, chocolate or cocoa can be used topically for detoxing. At one point, my herbalogist had me put a cocoa/flaxseed oil paste on my neck (for I think 30 minutes). Or sometimes I hold one small square of chocolate on my liver for anywhere from 5-10 minutes. (Dr direction is advised for specific uses.)
No doubt about it, chocolate is a wonderful super-hero food! =) It gives me a little extra energy for exercising, provides quick relief when my adrenals are stressed, and makes me happy that something that tastes so good is also good for me! =)
Well, I better go. I hear a piece of chocolate calling my name....
Yes, after nearly 20 years of being allergic to chocolate, it's now my favorite "super-hero food." =)
Thanks to Dr. Smith's CBT allergy treatment, I'm no longer allergic to chocolate. And thanks to my herbalogist I've discovered it's many benefits.
A few quick facts - chocolate is full of antioxidants, rich in minerals, lowers cholesterol, is good for the heart, and improves mood.
(You can find more details online. See -
According to my dr, chocolate is helpful for detoxifying the liver and boosting immune health.
However, the type of chocolate you eat IS important. Organic, dark chocolate, with little or no sugar, preservatives, or milk ingredients is best.
I get Vivani organic, dark chocolate. It has no soy products and very little sugar (organic cane sugar). There are other healthy brands as well.
I only eat 2-4 small squares of chocolate a day (there are 24 squares in one bar, so it's not much). The healthiest serving size probably varies from person to person. Viewing chocolate as a healthy food - to help your body - not as an indulgence, may help you find the right amount for you. =)
Also, chocolate or cocoa can be used topically for detoxing. At one point, my herbalogist had me put a cocoa/flaxseed oil paste on my neck (for I think 30 minutes). Or sometimes I hold one small square of chocolate on my liver for anywhere from 5-10 minutes. (Dr direction is advised for specific uses.)
No doubt about it, chocolate is a wonderful super-hero food! =) It gives me a little extra energy for exercising, provides quick relief when my adrenals are stressed, and makes me happy that something that tastes so good is also good for me! =)
Well, I better go. I hear a piece of chocolate calling my name....
Saturday, October 22, 2011
E.I. Photo Diary
Someone suggested I include more photos on this blog. Sadly, there just
isn't much that's "photo-worthy" in this E.I. life. But I decided I
could give you a little photo-glimpse into how I live. My brief, E.I.
photo diary. =)

- My trusty shoes (made in Brazil) lasted about 7 years! I literally
wore them to death, as you can see, before I finally found a new pair I
wasn't allergic to.

- This is my birthday watermelon! (No cake for me.) It was delicious,
by the way. =)

- I enjoy visiting the beach when I can. I went once a month this past
summer. We always go to the national park beach because there's hardly
anyone there, so I don't have to worry about sunscreen smells or

- This is my humble abode. Totally bare except for essentials - a
mattress and an air purifier. Thank goodness at least I have windows so
I'm not just staring at blank walls all day. =)

- My clean laundry has to air out on the dining room table before I can
wear it. (At least I'm not airing dirty laundry.) =) It's not my mom's
favorite place for leaving laundry, but it's what works the best. (I do
clean off the table and actually eat a meal there every once in a
while, as a special treat for my mom.) =)

- A bright spot in my limited life - my precious nieces & nephews! They
come to visit me in our back yard, since we can't let anyone in our
house. (It's impossible to "de-fragrance" a non-E.I. person completely,
and it's very hard to detoxify the house once a "fragrant" person has
entered.) I usually do okay visiting with people outside for a short
time, thank the Lord. =)
That's the brief tour. I hope it helps you appreciate some of the everyday
things that are easy to take for granted. =)
isn't much that's "photo-worthy" in this E.I. life. But I decided I
could give you a little photo-glimpse into how I live. My brief, E.I.
photo diary. =)
- My trusty shoes (made in Brazil) lasted about 7 years! I literally
wore them to death, as you can see, before I finally found a new pair I
wasn't allergic to.

- This is my birthday watermelon! (No cake for me.) It was delicious,
by the way. =)
- I enjoy visiting the beach when I can. I went once a month this past
summer. We always go to the national park beach because there's hardly
anyone there, so I don't have to worry about sunscreen smells or
- This is my humble abode. Totally bare except for essentials - a
mattress and an air purifier. Thank goodness at least I have windows so
I'm not just staring at blank walls all day. =)
- My clean laundry has to air out on the dining room table before I can
wear it. (At least I'm not airing dirty laundry.) =) It's not my mom's
favorite place for leaving laundry, but it's what works the best. (I do
clean off the table and actually eat a meal there every once in a
while, as a special treat for my mom.) =)

- A bright spot in my limited life - my precious nieces & nephews! They
come to visit me in our back yard, since we can't let anyone in our
house. (It's impossible to "de-fragrance" a non-E.I. person completely,
and it's very hard to detoxify the house once a "fragrant" person has
entered.) I usually do okay visiting with people outside for a short
time, thank the Lord. =)
That's the brief tour. I hope it helps you appreciate some of the everyday
things that are easy to take for granted. =)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fermented Foods
In response to my last post I was asked about plant-based probiotic foods. (Obviously fermented dairy products like kefir and yogurt have probiotics - though I only recommend them if they are made from organic, raw milk and not filled with preservatives and sweeteners.)
In "The Maker's Diet," author Jordan Rubin explains the importance of eating fermented foods - for the probiotics and enzymes they contain. (p.142-143 & p.153) He says modern vinegar-fermented foods are not the best kind to eat, even though most commercially made products use this method.
Jordan writes that lacto-fermented foods (using lactic acid fermentation) are the best for the body. These foods are easy to make or you can find them in many health food stores - foods like fermented vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beats, cucumber, etc.), pickled relishes, eggs, and even some fruits.
"The Maker's Diet" contains recipes for fermented vegetables and also lists national health food stores that carry such products. (You can probably check out this book at your local library. It's a helpful resource to have for many health & nutrition topics.) Jordan's company, Garden of Life, also sells a fermented coconut oil which is in most health food stores.
Personally, I haven't yet branched out to fermented foods because of my extreme sensitivity to them over the years. (I take a probiotic supplement which I order from However, I do agree with Jordan's information and hope to implement it in my diet eventually. Until then, maybe you can let me know how it works for you. =)
In "The Maker's Diet," author Jordan Rubin explains the importance of eating fermented foods - for the probiotics and enzymes they contain. (p.142-143 & p.153) He says modern vinegar-fermented foods are not the best kind to eat, even though most commercially made products use this method.
Jordan writes that lacto-fermented foods (using lactic acid fermentation) are the best for the body. These foods are easy to make or you can find them in many health food stores - foods like fermented vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beats, cucumber, etc.), pickled relishes, eggs, and even some fruits.
"The Maker's Diet" contains recipes for fermented vegetables and also lists national health food stores that carry such products. (You can probably check out this book at your local library. It's a helpful resource to have for many health & nutrition topics.) Jordan's company, Garden of Life, also sells a fermented coconut oil which is in most health food stores.
Personally, I haven't yet branched out to fermented foods because of my extreme sensitivity to them over the years. (I take a probiotic supplement which I order from However, I do agree with Jordan's information and hope to implement it in my diet eventually. Until then, maybe you can let me know how it works for you. =)
Friday, October 7, 2011
Antibiotic--Free Anniversary
Praise God that I've now been antibiotic-free for 6 years! Considering that I spent several years on and off and on antibiotics again, this Anniversary is nothing short of a miracle! =)
In some cases, antibiotics are life-saving. But in general, they are way over-prescribed.
One problem with antibiotics is that many times the infection is fungal, not bacterial. Eating an anti-fungal diet can help prevent fungal infections. Using coconut oil on food and topically on the skin also fights fungal growth. Taking antibiotics can make fungal infections worse, so it's important to distinguish fungal from bacterial infections. (For more info about fighting fungus visit
Another problem is that most people are seriously deficient in good bacteria in their bodies. Taking antibiotics kills the few good bacteria they have, leaving them vulnerable to all kinds of invaders. Taking probiotics on a regular basis is vital for overall health and even more so during and after a course of antibiotics.
Adding insult to injury, antibiotics are toxic to the body. Some kinds seem to be worse than others, but each time you take antibiotics, your body has to work extra hard to process and detox those chemicals. (Over the last two years, I've detoxed several kinds of antibiotics. It's been a slow, not-fun process.)
So those are some good reasons not to take antibiotics. (For more reasons, try googling "dangers of antibiotics".) But can they be avoided?
For one thing, I recommend not using anti-bacterial hand soap or cleaning products. The continual use of such products leads to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and harms the body through constant exposure to antibiotics. (
Vinegar is an excellent cleaning alternative. ( For hands, use regular soap or baking soda.
Also, if possible, avoid meat & dairy products that are not organic. Non-organic products are filled with antibiotics that were fed to the animals. (One glass of "regular" milk contains traces of over 100 different antibiotics!) Again, continual ingestion of small amounts of antibiotics can cause big problems.
Using non-toxic products, eating an organic, anti-fungal diet and taking probiotic supplements are all helpful things you can do. Taking care of your environment and doing things to strengthen your immune system are important keys to avoiding antibiotics.
I realize sometimes it's necessary to take antibiotics, but hopefully with some minor lifestyle changes, you can avoid excessive exposure to them. And, like me, maybe you can even live without them for the next 6 years...or longer. Wouldn't that be great?! =)
In some cases, antibiotics are life-saving. But in general, they are way over-prescribed.
One problem with antibiotics is that many times the infection is fungal, not bacterial. Eating an anti-fungal diet can help prevent fungal infections. Using coconut oil on food and topically on the skin also fights fungal growth. Taking antibiotics can make fungal infections worse, so it's important to distinguish fungal from bacterial infections. (For more info about fighting fungus visit
Another problem is that most people are seriously deficient in good bacteria in their bodies. Taking antibiotics kills the few good bacteria they have, leaving them vulnerable to all kinds of invaders. Taking probiotics on a regular basis is vital for overall health and even more so during and after a course of antibiotics.
Adding insult to injury, antibiotics are toxic to the body. Some kinds seem to be worse than others, but each time you take antibiotics, your body has to work extra hard to process and detox those chemicals. (Over the last two years, I've detoxed several kinds of antibiotics. It's been a slow, not-fun process.)
So those are some good reasons not to take antibiotics. (For more reasons, try googling "dangers of antibiotics".) But can they be avoided?
For one thing, I recommend not using anti-bacterial hand soap or cleaning products. The continual use of such products leads to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and harms the body through constant exposure to antibiotics. (
Vinegar is an excellent cleaning alternative. ( For hands, use regular soap or baking soda.
Also, if possible, avoid meat & dairy products that are not organic. Non-organic products are filled with antibiotics that were fed to the animals. (One glass of "regular" milk contains traces of over 100 different antibiotics!) Again, continual ingestion of small amounts of antibiotics can cause big problems.
Using non-toxic products, eating an organic, anti-fungal diet and taking probiotic supplements are all helpful things you can do. Taking care of your environment and doing things to strengthen your immune system are important keys to avoiding antibiotics.
I realize sometimes it's necessary to take antibiotics, but hopefully with some minor lifestyle changes, you can avoid excessive exposure to them. And, like me, maybe you can even live without them for the next 6 years...or longer. Wouldn't that be great?! =)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Your Feedback...
I've been keeping this blog for almost 2 years now, and I really enjoy doing it. =) However, the blog isn't really for me - it's for you!
I rarely receive comments on what I post, so I thought I'd take a minute to seek your input. If you'd be so kind to answer a few questions (you can post in the comments or email me your answer), I'd be very grateful for your feedback! Thank you!
1) Do you find the content of this blog helpful and beneficial?
2) Are you happy with the balance of different kinds of posts - personal stories, humor, encouragement, practical health tips & information?
3) Would you like to see more posts in one of these areas? Less posts in one area?
4) Do you think most of the posts are too long, too short, or just right?
5) Any suggestions to improve or change this blog?
I rarely receive comments on what I post, so I thought I'd take a minute to seek your input. If you'd be so kind to answer a few questions (you can post in the comments or email me your answer), I'd be very grateful for your feedback! Thank you!
1) Do you find the content of this blog helpful and beneficial?
2) Are you happy with the balance of different kinds of posts - personal stories, humor, encouragement, practical health tips & information?
3) Would you like to see more posts in one of these areas? Less posts in one area?
4) Do you think most of the posts are too long, too short, or just right?
5) Any suggestions to improve or change this blog?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
His Promise Never Fails
Today I want to tell you a story. (It may sound a little like one of those children's books where one event builds on another until you reach the big ending. I always liked those....) As crazy as this story probably sounds, it's true.
There once was a girl who had Environmental Illness. She worked very hard to get better. She even called herself the "Super-E.I.-Girl." But sometimes she got discouraged.
One day she smelled paint fumes coming into the house. She stayed in her room all day, and the fumes finally went away.
She was glad it was over. Until she realized that the paint fumes had gotten into her clean laundry.
Her mom washed the laundry again. But before Super-E.I.-Girl checked if the laundry was ok, the monthly pesticide spraying happened in her neighborhood.
Because of the monthly pesticide spraying, her mom could not do any laundry for at least 4 days. When Super-E.I.-Girl tried to use the clean laundry, she got sick.
Since she couldn't use her clean laundry, she had to sleep on the same sheet for over a week. (She normally put on clean sheets every 3-4 days because of the toxins they accumulated.)
Sleeping on a toxic sheet started to make Super-E.I.-Girl feel worse. She got upset with God. Why had He allowed the paint smell to happen right before the pesticide spraying? Why did something as simple as doing laundry have to be a constant battle? She cried and cried, but she didn't feel any better.
Super-E.I.-Girl felt so awful that she finally decided to call her doctor, even though she wasn't scheduled for an appointment for another week. She wrote down all her questions and prepared to get some answers.
To Super-E.I.-Girl's surprise, her doctor told her she had parasites! She'd probably had them for a long time (maybe even more than a year). But those little bugs are so hard to test for, that it was only this one day they finally showed up.
In silence, Super-E.I.-Girl contemplated this news. Slowly, she thought about the past week and realized something.
- If there hadn't been a paint smell, followed by pesticide spraying, she would have had clean laundry.
- If she'd had clean laundry, she wouldn't have felt so awful.
- If she hadn't felt so awful, she wouldn't have called the doctor that day.
- If she hadn't called the doctor that day, who knows how long it would have been until they found the parasite.
Humbly, Super-E.I.-Girl bowed her head and thanked God for the paint smell, and the pesticide spraying, and the toxic sheet, and for feeling so awful, and for her doctor, and for the parasite treatment (which she hoped would make a big difference for her health)!
Most of all she thanked God for His promise in Romans 8:28, that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him. And she asked God to help her the next time she had a crisis to remember and to trust, that no matter what, His promise never fails.
The End.
There once was a girl who had Environmental Illness. She worked very hard to get better. She even called herself the "Super-E.I.-Girl." But sometimes she got discouraged.
One day she smelled paint fumes coming into the house. She stayed in her room all day, and the fumes finally went away.
She was glad it was over. Until she realized that the paint fumes had gotten into her clean laundry.
Her mom washed the laundry again. But before Super-E.I.-Girl checked if the laundry was ok, the monthly pesticide spraying happened in her neighborhood.
Because of the monthly pesticide spraying, her mom could not do any laundry for at least 4 days. When Super-E.I.-Girl tried to use the clean laundry, she got sick.
Since she couldn't use her clean laundry, she had to sleep on the same sheet for over a week. (She normally put on clean sheets every 3-4 days because of the toxins they accumulated.)
Sleeping on a toxic sheet started to make Super-E.I.-Girl feel worse. She got upset with God. Why had He allowed the paint smell to happen right before the pesticide spraying? Why did something as simple as doing laundry have to be a constant battle? She cried and cried, but she didn't feel any better.
Super-E.I.-Girl felt so awful that she finally decided to call her doctor, even though she wasn't scheduled for an appointment for another week. She wrote down all her questions and prepared to get some answers.
To Super-E.I.-Girl's surprise, her doctor told her she had parasites! She'd probably had them for a long time (maybe even more than a year). But those little bugs are so hard to test for, that it was only this one day they finally showed up.
In silence, Super-E.I.-Girl contemplated this news. Slowly, she thought about the past week and realized something.
- If there hadn't been a paint smell, followed by pesticide spraying, she would have had clean laundry.
- If she'd had clean laundry, she wouldn't have felt so awful.
- If she hadn't felt so awful, she wouldn't have called the doctor that day.
- If she hadn't called the doctor that day, who knows how long it would have been until they found the parasite.
Humbly, Super-E.I.-Girl bowed her head and thanked God for the paint smell, and the pesticide spraying, and the toxic sheet, and for feeling so awful, and for her doctor, and for the parasite treatment (which she hoped would make a big difference for her health)!
Most of all she thanked God for His promise in Romans 8:28, that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him. And she asked God to help her the next time she had a crisis to remember and to trust, that no matter what, His promise never fails.
The End.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Whole Package
For most of us, when our health starts to deteriorate, we want to just take one pill and be well. Or do one health treatment and be well. Or go to one doctor and have them 'fix' us. Etc.
The reality is that our bodies are complex and intricate. By the time we start to notice symptoms, there are usually many health issues involved, not just one problem.
I think anyone who's been on this health journey for very long will tell you not to expect to find one super-doctor or one 'miracle' treatment.
In the past 7 years, I've consulted over 40 doctors in 8 states. Some were helpful; others were harmful. Gradually, my mom and I realized we would have to take bits and pieces of helpful information from various sources and put together our own comprehensive 'health program.'
Over the last two years, these are most of the things I've been doing consistently (daily or weekly):
- lymphatic massage
- detox bath
- deep breathing
- stretches & mild exercise
- rebounding
- physical therapy (once a week for a year, now only when needed)
- various supplements
- natural remedies
- coconut oil (internally & externally)
- diet changes (as needed/possible)
- CBT allergy treatments
- keeping a non-toxic environment (as much as possible)
- breathing sea air (when possible)
There are other basic things in my lifestyle that help - plenty of water, sleep (10-11 hours for me), laughter, prayer, encouragement, etc.
My body has needed this complete package. One thing alone wouldn't have been enough to produce the level of improvement I've experienced.
There are many things I've tried that didn't help. There are other things I've considered doing but haven't been able to try yet. And I continue looking for new information. I want to keep learning so I can do what's best for my body.
The important thing for you is to work out your own program of what helps you, and then persevere.
If you keep looking for that one "magic" pill, you'll be disappointed.
As you continue seeking wisdom and knowledge, I pray the Lord will guide you. I know He will help you put together the whole package that you need.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." -James 1:5
The reality is that our bodies are complex and intricate. By the time we start to notice symptoms, there are usually many health issues involved, not just one problem.
I think anyone who's been on this health journey for very long will tell you not to expect to find one super-doctor or one 'miracle' treatment.
In the past 7 years, I've consulted over 40 doctors in 8 states. Some were helpful; others were harmful. Gradually, my mom and I realized we would have to take bits and pieces of helpful information from various sources and put together our own comprehensive 'health program.'
Over the last two years, these are most of the things I've been doing consistently (daily or weekly):
- lymphatic massage
- detox bath
- deep breathing
- stretches & mild exercise
- rebounding
- physical therapy (once a week for a year, now only when needed)
- various supplements
- natural remedies
- coconut oil (internally & externally)
- diet changes (as needed/possible)
- CBT allergy treatments
- keeping a non-toxic environment (as much as possible)
- breathing sea air (when possible)
There are other basic things in my lifestyle that help - plenty of water, sleep (10-11 hours for me), laughter, prayer, encouragement, etc.
My body has needed this complete package. One thing alone wouldn't have been enough to produce the level of improvement I've experienced.
There are many things I've tried that didn't help. There are other things I've considered doing but haven't been able to try yet. And I continue looking for new information. I want to keep learning so I can do what's best for my body.
The important thing for you is to work out your own program of what helps you, and then persevere.
If you keep looking for that one "magic" pill, you'll be disappointed.
As you continue seeking wisdom and knowledge, I pray the Lord will guide you. I know He will help you put together the whole package that you need.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." -James 1:5
Thursday, September 8, 2011
When I See You Smile...
(Preface: One of the effects of having many allergic reactions is that I sometimes get a little loopy in the midst of them...I blame it on lack of oxygen to the brain. On the plus side, a little humor is a positive thing in the midst of a reaction. Anyway, the following post is the fruit of one of those slap-happy moments. I don't know if anyone else will think it's funny, but I hope you'll at least get a smile out of it.) =)
I think it's about time that the E.I. community came up with our own music album. It could help communicate our difficulties, emotions, and experiences. Or maybe it would just give us something to laugh at in this crazy E.I. life. =)
To get this new trend in the music industry started, I've compiled my own E.I. Music Album, made up of variations on popular songs.
(Note: Out of respect for the authors of the original songs, I have put my additions and changes to the titles in parentheses.
Disclaimer: The party of the first part is not endorsing any of these original songs and cannot be held liable for injuries resulting from listening to the aforementioned songs.)
Songs of E.I. Life - The Good, The Bad, & The Ridiculous
- Achy, Breaky Heart (With Arythmia And Palpitations)
- Shake, Rattle & Roll (Me Out Of Bed)
- I (Wish I Could) Feel Good
- I Still Haven't Found (The Doctor) I'm Looking For
- Nobody (Except Other E.I.'s) Knows The Trouble I've Seen
- It's A (Toxic) World After All
- Rocky Mountain (Spotted Fever) High
- I Will Survive (I Think)
- I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of (Organic) Coconut (Oil)
- Can't Touch This (Or That, Or Anything Else)
- These Are A Few Of My Favorite (Supplements)
- Somewhere There's A (Fragrance-Free) Place For Us
- Count Your (Non-toxic) Blessings
Please post a comment with your vote for Best E.I. song in this album!
Keep smiling! =)
I think it's about time that the E.I. community came up with our own music album. It could help communicate our difficulties, emotions, and experiences. Or maybe it would just give us something to laugh at in this crazy E.I. life. =)
To get this new trend in the music industry started, I've compiled my own E.I. Music Album, made up of variations on popular songs.
(Note: Out of respect for the authors of the original songs, I have put my additions and changes to the titles in parentheses.
Disclaimer: The party of the first part is not endorsing any of these original songs and cannot be held liable for injuries resulting from listening to the aforementioned songs.)
Songs of E.I. Life - The Good, The Bad, & The Ridiculous
- Achy, Breaky Heart (With Arythmia And Palpitations)
- Shake, Rattle & Roll (Me Out Of Bed)
- I (Wish I Could) Feel Good
- I Still Haven't Found (The Doctor) I'm Looking For
- Nobody (Except Other E.I.'s) Knows The Trouble I've Seen
- It's A (Toxic) World After All
- Rocky Mountain (Spotted Fever) High
- I Will Survive (I Think)
- I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of (Organic) Coconut (Oil)
- Can't Touch This (Or That, Or Anything Else)
- These Are A Few Of My Favorite (Supplements)
- Somewhere There's A (Fragrance-Free) Place For Us
- Count Your (Non-toxic) Blessings
Please post a comment with your vote for Best E.I. song in this album!
Keep smiling! =)
Friday, September 2, 2011
I've been reading through Psalm 119 lately. While this is the ultimate Psalm about the power and beauty of God's Word, many of the verses specifically address suffering.
Today I just wanted to share with you some highlights from this Psalm that I have returned to over and over again and have found great comfort in.
May God's precious Word speak peace and consolation to your soul today.
(from Psalm 119)
28 My soul is weary with sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word.
50 My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.
68a You are good, and what you do is good;
75 I know, O LORD, that your laws are righteous,
and in faithfulness you have afflicted me.
92 If your law had not been my delight,
I would have perished in my affliction.
107 I have suffered much;
preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word.
165 Great peace have they who love your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.
175 Let me live that I may praise you,
and may your laws [Word] sustain me.
Today I just wanted to share with you some highlights from this Psalm that I have returned to over and over again and have found great comfort in.
May God's precious Word speak peace and consolation to your soul today.
(from Psalm 119)
28 My soul is weary with sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word.
50 My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.
68a You are good, and what you do is good;
75 I know, O LORD, that your laws are righteous,
and in faithfulness you have afflicted me.
92 If your law had not been my delight,
I would have perished in my affliction.
107 I have suffered much;
preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word.
165 Great peace have they who love your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.
175 Let me live that I may praise you,
and may your laws [Word] sustain me.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Happy Thoughts
Two important factors that affect our health are stress and negative thoughts.
Sometimes we can't change the stressful circumstances, but we can always change our thoughts.
Now, I'm not someone who believes you can "think positively" and no longer be sick. But I have learned that negative thoughts do make things worse.
Several years ago a friend told me I was the most positive person he knew. But after years of chronic health, I became the least positive person I knew. The constant stress, pain, and hardship, had caused chronic negative thought patterns, such as - "I'm so tired. I feel awful. I can't do this anymore. This is never going to end. I just want to breathe normally! Things will never get better." etc, etc.
Two years ago I did EEG (neurobiofeedback) therpay, where my brain waves were monitored while I was supposed to think "happy thoughts" for 15 minutes. Well, I barely made it for 30 seconds without a negative thought. But as I kept doing it every week, it really made a difference.
The reality is that our thoughts create literal physical pathways in our brain. (For more info about the brain I recommend two books by Dr. Caroline Leaf - "Who Switched Off My Brain?" and "The Gift In You.")
Unfortunately, chronic pain can cause an unconscious pattern of negative thoughts. Then we have to consciously "rewire" those pathways with positive, truthful, uplifting thoughts.
A good exercise is to spend 5 minutes a day thinking only positive, "happy" thoughts. If you can't make it that long without a negative thought, it's ok. Just keep practicing. =)
For me, this was a hard change to make, even harder than changing my diet. But the Lord reminded me that "the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." (Rom. 8:6)
God wants us to have thoughts directed by the Spirit, even in our pain. And in turn, it will promote life and peace in our bodies. Some good ways to do this are - meditating on a Psalm, recalling happy memories, reading jokes, giving thanks, and especially speaking out loud in praise to God.
Sometimes it helps to find a positive statement to have ready to substitute for negative thoughts. For example, when I start to think "I feel so awful," I try to stop and purposefully think, "I'm so loved by God" or "God will bring me through this," etc.
Thinking "happy thoughts" consistently is still a challenge for me. I'm thankful for God's power displayed in my weakness and His continual loving thoughts toward me.
"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you."
-Psalm 139:17-18
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Prayer Request
Please pray for my friend Kristi who was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer last week. She started radiation and chemo treatments this week. She also has a broken collarbone and broken rib. She and her husband have three small girls. As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for them all.
Please pray for divine healing and for strength and courage for this painful journey.
Thank you!
Please pray for divine healing and for strength and courage for this painful journey.
Thank you!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Breath of Life
It's amazing how easy it is to take for granted the most important thing in life - breath.
The moment you stop breathing, life is gone. Yet, most of us never even think about breathing, it's automatic.
I've been having trouble breathing again the last week and a half. It has reminded me yet again how important breath is.
It's incredible how many parts of the body all function together so that you can take a breath. For example - diaphragm, lungs, sinuses (if you breathe through your nose), abdominal and back muscles, ligaments attached to your lungs, etc.
At different times, my difficulty breathing is caused by one or more of these parts not working properly - diaphragm constricted, lungs inflamed, sinuses stuffed up, back muscles tight, etc.
Usually with trouble breathing, I have one of two reactions - I feel angry, or I panic. These are both completely natural and understandable responses. Unfortunately, both anger and fear only make the problem worse, because they cause the brain to release harmful chemicals. So it's vital to stay calm.
Over time, I've learned to differentiate between "trouble" breathing and serious, life-threatening inability to breathe. When it's just "trouble" breathing, I may feel angry, but I try to stay calm. If it's life-threatening, I almost always panic. (Which is why I keep benedryl on hand at all times.)
I'm not a doctor, so I can't advise anyone with serious inability to breathe (hopefully you already have emergency measures in place).
But for everyone like me who struggles with chronic breathing difficulty, I can say - Take heart! Every breath comes from God. As long as He wants you to stay on this planet, He will continue to give you enough breath to go on.
If you've never had trouble breathing, stand up and do a dance of joy! You have reason to give thanks every day for the breath that comes so easily to your body.
However, all of us can learn how to better develop and guard this precious gift of breath. Here are a few things I've learned:
- Do deep breathing at least twice a day.
I take a big breath in while raising my arms over my head (to help the lungs expand), hold for a moment, then slowly exhale as I lower my arms. I repeat this two or three times.
You can also rest your hand on your diaphragm and take quick "sniffy" breaths in and out through your nose, while feeling your diaphragm expand and release. You can do it for 2-3 minutes or until you start to feel lightheaded. (Definitely stop if you feel lightheaded or dizzy.) This is a good exercise to strengthen the diaphragm.
- Do stretches every day to help the muscles around the lungs stay limber.
One good stretch is to stand in a corner with one foot in front of the other and arms up on the wall in a "football goal" position. Then lean in gently and feel the stretch through the back and chest. Repeat with arms stretched straight up on the wall.
Another stretch is to put your arms behind your back with fingers laced together and raise as high as you can, gently of course. =)
When lying down, you can turn on your side, then raise your arm up and out, slowly letting it rotate around and back down.
There are other stretches you can do, these are just a few to get started.
- Try to consciously work at good posture.
Keeping your back straight and shoulders back really does help your lungs function more effectively. If this is hard for you, try doing a few ab crunches 2 or 3 times a week. Strengthening the abdominal muscles often helps improve posture.
Also, when brushing your teeth or doing other mindless tasks, practice exaggerated good posture for those few minutes.
- Try physical therapy for chronic problems.
My physical therapist has stretched, pushed and pulled my body in more ways than I thought possible. But it has made a tremendous difference in my ability to breathe better.
I hope some of these ideas are helpful. Remember, your breath is your life. Do what you can to improve your breathing function. And thank God every day for the breath He gives!
"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." -Psalm 150:6
The moment you stop breathing, life is gone. Yet, most of us never even think about breathing, it's automatic.
I've been having trouble breathing again the last week and a half. It has reminded me yet again how important breath is.
It's incredible how many parts of the body all function together so that you can take a breath. For example - diaphragm, lungs, sinuses (if you breathe through your nose), abdominal and back muscles, ligaments attached to your lungs, etc.
At different times, my difficulty breathing is caused by one or more of these parts not working properly - diaphragm constricted, lungs inflamed, sinuses stuffed up, back muscles tight, etc.
Usually with trouble breathing, I have one of two reactions - I feel angry, or I panic. These are both completely natural and understandable responses. Unfortunately, both anger and fear only make the problem worse, because they cause the brain to release harmful chemicals. So it's vital to stay calm.
Over time, I've learned to differentiate between "trouble" breathing and serious, life-threatening inability to breathe. When it's just "trouble" breathing, I may feel angry, but I try to stay calm. If it's life-threatening, I almost always panic. (Which is why I keep benedryl on hand at all times.)
I'm not a doctor, so I can't advise anyone with serious inability to breathe (hopefully you already have emergency measures in place).
But for everyone like me who struggles with chronic breathing difficulty, I can say - Take heart! Every breath comes from God. As long as He wants you to stay on this planet, He will continue to give you enough breath to go on.
If you've never had trouble breathing, stand up and do a dance of joy! You have reason to give thanks every day for the breath that comes so easily to your body.
However, all of us can learn how to better develop and guard this precious gift of breath. Here are a few things I've learned:
- Do deep breathing at least twice a day.
I take a big breath in while raising my arms over my head (to help the lungs expand), hold for a moment, then slowly exhale as I lower my arms. I repeat this two or three times.
You can also rest your hand on your diaphragm and take quick "sniffy" breaths in and out through your nose, while feeling your diaphragm expand and release. You can do it for 2-3 minutes or until you start to feel lightheaded. (Definitely stop if you feel lightheaded or dizzy.) This is a good exercise to strengthen the diaphragm.
- Do stretches every day to help the muscles around the lungs stay limber.
One good stretch is to stand in a corner with one foot in front of the other and arms up on the wall in a "football goal" position. Then lean in gently and feel the stretch through the back and chest. Repeat with arms stretched straight up on the wall.
Another stretch is to put your arms behind your back with fingers laced together and raise as high as you can, gently of course. =)
When lying down, you can turn on your side, then raise your arm up and out, slowly letting it rotate around and back down.
There are other stretches you can do, these are just a few to get started.
- Try to consciously work at good posture.
Keeping your back straight and shoulders back really does help your lungs function more effectively. If this is hard for you, try doing a few ab crunches 2 or 3 times a week. Strengthening the abdominal muscles often helps improve posture.
Also, when brushing your teeth or doing other mindless tasks, practice exaggerated good posture for those few minutes.
- Try physical therapy for chronic problems.
My physical therapist has stretched, pushed and pulled my body in more ways than I thought possible. But it has made a tremendous difference in my ability to breathe better.
I hope some of these ideas are helpful. Remember, your breath is your life. Do what you can to improve your breathing function. And thank God every day for the breath He gives!
"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD." -Psalm 150:6
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
With summer in full swing, I just wanted to mention again that if you can't afford to buy all organic produce, then I hope you'll make use of the "Shopper's Guide to Pesticides" by EWG.
This list tells you which produce has the most and the least amount of pesticides. It's very helpful in deciding which things you definitely should buy organic, and which things aren't as crucial to get organic.
Also, just wanted to add that the most important food to buy organic is actually meat. Not only does "normal" meat have pesticide residues but also hormones, antibiotics, steroids, GMO grains (fed to the animals), and all kinds of junk.
If you can only afford to buy one thing organic, start with the meat. I've been eating Laura's Beef for the last few years and it's very good.
Most big grocery stores now carry organic products in everything from produce, to meat, to dairy and pasta, etc. Keep a lookout for these foods or ask a store employee about them.
Remember, you ARE what you EAT. Keep growing in Health!
This list tells you which produce has the most and the least amount of pesticides. It's very helpful in deciding which things you definitely should buy organic, and which things aren't as crucial to get organic.
Also, just wanted to add that the most important food to buy organic is actually meat. Not only does "normal" meat have pesticide residues but also hormones, antibiotics, steroids, GMO grains (fed to the animals), and all kinds of junk.
If you can only afford to buy one thing organic, start with the meat. I've been eating Laura's Beef for the last few years and it's very good.
Most big grocery stores now carry organic products in everything from produce, to meat, to dairy and pasta, etc. Keep a lookout for these foods or ask a store employee about them.
Remember, you ARE what you EAT. Keep growing in Health!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Some Humor
I thought you'd appreciate some E.I. humor today. =) Enjoy!
(And yes, I really have been to this many doctors - more in fact.)
Doctors, Doctors
Doctors, doctors, you’re so smart,
But medicine is not like art.
Dr S declared, “you’re fine.
Perhaps it’s all just in your mind.”
Dr. U thought I had allergies
And promptly stuck a needle in me.
Dr. B said “Let’s test your blood.”
Those results were clear as mud.
Doctors, doctors, can’t you tell?
Something’s wrong, I know it well.
Dr. A affirmed it’s not infectious.
Dr C said my heart looked precious.
Dr G told me to quit my med.
Dr O wanted to “fix” my head.
Doctors, doctors, I wish you knew
Just one right thing that you could do.
Doctors, doctors, if only you had
The help I long for, need so bad.
Dr. T said “We’ll do an IV.”
Lots of things they pumped into me.
Dr. H wanted to crack my back.
I said, “Let’s try another tack.”
Dr. V told me, “Take these pills.”
Unfortunately they made me ill.
Doctors, doctors, don’t you know?
Is there no weapon to fight this foe?
Dr. F said “Write everything down.”
Dr. L gave up with a frown.
Dr. D tried acupuncture.
Dr. M was crazy, I’m sure.
Doctors, doctors, it’s so unfair.
Why is a good one totally rare?
Doctors, doctors, so much to learn,
You practice on me and I get burned.
Dr. R said “You’re past my help.
Go live by the sea.” Try some kelp?
Dr. K asked “Do you want to get well?”
I got so mad, I wanted to yell.
Dr. J knew less than I.
Just take me home, let me cry.
Doctors, doctors, there must be one
Who God can use before I’m done.
Dr. Z taught me massage.
Dr. P used an alternative collage.
Dr. N gave me natural remedies.
Dr. Y cured my allergies.
Doctors, doctors, I’m thankful for each
Who brought good health within my reach.
by Joanna K. Harris
(And yes, I really have been to this many doctors - more in fact.)
Doctors, Doctors
Doctors, doctors, you’re so smart,
But medicine is not like art.
Dr S declared, “you’re fine.
Perhaps it’s all just in your mind.”
Dr. U thought I had allergies
And promptly stuck a needle in me.
Dr. B said “Let’s test your blood.”
Those results were clear as mud.
Doctors, doctors, can’t you tell?
Something’s wrong, I know it well.
Dr. A affirmed it’s not infectious.
Dr C said my heart looked precious.
Dr G told me to quit my med.
Dr O wanted to “fix” my head.
Doctors, doctors, I wish you knew
Just one right thing that you could do.
Doctors, doctors, if only you had
The help I long for, need so bad.
Dr. T said “We’ll do an IV.”
Lots of things they pumped into me.
Dr. H wanted to crack my back.
I said, “Let’s try another tack.”
Dr. V told me, “Take these pills.”
Unfortunately they made me ill.
Doctors, doctors, don’t you know?
Is there no weapon to fight this foe?
Dr. F said “Write everything down.”
Dr. L gave up with a frown.
Dr. D tried acupuncture.
Dr. M was crazy, I’m sure.
Doctors, doctors, it’s so unfair.
Why is a good one totally rare?
Doctors, doctors, so much to learn,
You practice on me and I get burned.
Dr. R said “You’re past my help.
Go live by the sea.” Try some kelp?
Dr. K asked “Do you want to get well?”
I got so mad, I wanted to yell.
Dr. J knew less than I.
Just take me home, let me cry.
Doctors, doctors, there must be one
Who God can use before I’m done.
Dr. Z taught me massage.
Dr. P used an alternative collage.
Dr. N gave me natural remedies.
Dr. Y cured my allergies.
Doctors, doctors, I’m thankful for each
Who brought good health within my reach.
by Joanna K. Harris
Thursday, July 7, 2011
He Cares
"In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old." -Isaiah 63:9
My friend, in all your distress, your heavenly Father too is distressed. In His great love, He will lift you up and carry you through all the difficult days.
Take heart. You are precious to your Father. He cares about you.
My friend, in all your distress, your heavenly Father too is distressed. In His great love, He will lift you up and carry you through all the difficult days.
Take heart. You are precious to your Father. He cares about you.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Law of the Harvest
You've probably heard the saying many times in your life, "You reap what you sow."
I've heard this phrase since I was a child. But somehow it didn't really "click" in my brain...until I heard it explained in a different way.
Andy Stanley calls this principle the "law of the harvest." That is in contrast to the "law of Pinochio."
The "law of Pinochio" is instant cause-effect reaction. He told a lie - his nose immediately grew.
For some reason, most of us expect life to be like that. If we eat a donut and don't instantly feel bad, we think, "no big deal." If we work hard this week, we want to be wealthy next week. If we exercise today, we think we should be stronger tomorrow.
The reality is that almost everything in life operates not under the law of instant results, but under the "law of the harvest."
You prepare the soil. You plant seeds. You water. You weed. You wait. You weed. You water. You wait.
FINALLY - you get a tiny sprout. Gradually followed by a small plant. Then a bigger plant. And at long last - the HARVEST.
Every day we are preparing some kind of harvest - either a harvest of negative fruit or positive fruit. But we won't see instant results. The consequences of our actions show up over time.
Many years of toxic exposure, poor nutrition, little sleep, lots of stress, etc. may not manifest a problem for a while. But eventually the "harvest" will show up and we'll experience the result of damaged health.
The same is true as we try to take care of our bodies. All the hard work, tough choices, self-control, good nutrition, etc. doesn't yield instant healing. But gradually, over time, the body has what it needs to heal. One day we will experience the "harvest" of restored health.
Every day we are at work in one garden or the other - sowing seeds that will destroy health or sowing seeds that will repair and promote health.
When I'm tempted to give in to the flesh or when I'm discouraged by lack of progress, God reminds me of this principle, the "law of the harvest." And I pray for strength to keep on sowing, and weeding, and waiting...for the precious fruit.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -Galatians 6:9
I've heard this phrase since I was a child. But somehow it didn't really "click" in my brain...until I heard it explained in a different way.
Andy Stanley calls this principle the "law of the harvest." That is in contrast to the "law of Pinochio."
The "law of Pinochio" is instant cause-effect reaction. He told a lie - his nose immediately grew.
For some reason, most of us expect life to be like that. If we eat a donut and don't instantly feel bad, we think, "no big deal." If we work hard this week, we want to be wealthy next week. If we exercise today, we think we should be stronger tomorrow.
The reality is that almost everything in life operates not under the law of instant results, but under the "law of the harvest."
You prepare the soil. You plant seeds. You water. You weed. You wait. You weed. You water. You wait.
FINALLY - you get a tiny sprout. Gradually followed by a small plant. Then a bigger plant. And at long last - the HARVEST.
Every day we are preparing some kind of harvest - either a harvest of negative fruit or positive fruit. But we won't see instant results. The consequences of our actions show up over time.
Many years of toxic exposure, poor nutrition, little sleep, lots of stress, etc. may not manifest a problem for a while. But eventually the "harvest" will show up and we'll experience the result of damaged health.
The same is true as we try to take care of our bodies. All the hard work, tough choices, self-control, good nutrition, etc. doesn't yield instant healing. But gradually, over time, the body has what it needs to heal. One day we will experience the "harvest" of restored health.
Every day we are at work in one garden or the other - sowing seeds that will destroy health or sowing seeds that will repair and promote health.
When I'm tempted to give in to the flesh or when I'm discouraged by lack of progress, God reminds me of this principle, the "law of the harvest." And I pray for strength to keep on sowing, and weeding, and waiting...for the precious fruit.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -Galatians 6:9
Saturday, June 25, 2011
E. I. Thanks
Life with Environmental Illness is miles away from "normal" life. Sometimes it's hard to see past the limitations on every side. But even here, in our little "glass boxes," we have things to be thankful for.
Below is my E.I. list of Thanks.
Some of the things in this list are necessary to our survival in this E.I. life, others just make it a little more bearable day by day.
When you're healthy, it's easy to take your blessings for granted.
But I'm sure all my E.I. friends would agree we've learned to be VERY thankful for things like these!
-air purifiers
-baking soda
-shower filters
-organic farmers
-100% cotton
-health food stores
-land line phones
-the postal service
-the promise of a perfectly healthy body in heaven!
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus" (1 Thess. 5:18).
Below is my E.I. list of Thanks.
Some of the things in this list are necessary to our survival in this E.I. life, others just make it a little more bearable day by day.
When you're healthy, it's easy to take your blessings for granted.
But I'm sure all my E.I. friends would agree we've learned to be VERY thankful for things like these!
-air purifiers
-baking soda
-shower filters
-organic farmers
-100% cotton
-health food stores
-land line phones
-the postal service
-the promise of a perfectly healthy body in heaven!
"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus" (1 Thess. 5:18).
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Laugh Out Loud
Proverbs 17:22 says,
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
You've probably heard this verse many times, but have you ever taken it seriously? Or rather, have you taken it laughingly?
Laughter is one of the sweetest gifts God has given us, benefiting our minds, spirits, and bodies.
Did you know that during a hearty laugh your diaphragm, abdomen, heart, lungs, and liver actually get a massage?
Laughter also releases an instant flood of your body's "feel good" chemicals (like endorphins), which boost your immune system and reduce your levels of damaging stress hormones.
Humor also helps both sides of your brain work together and helps you get rid of toxic thoughts and emotions.
Laughter is also good for your heart because it leads to increased blood flow, which helps protect against heart attacks.
Do I have you convinced yet? The scientific evidence for the physical benefits of laughter are undoubtedly clear (unlike this sentence). =)
So how often do you laugh...not a little chuckle, but a real deep belly laugh? Once a week? Once a day?
Whether it's reading Garfield cartoons, watching a funny movie, or remembering comic experiences from the past, find some ways to get your laugh-ercise this week.
And keep on smiling! =)
(Much of this information is taken from "Who Switched Off My Brain" by Dr. Caroline Leaf.)
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
You've probably heard this verse many times, but have you ever taken it seriously? Or rather, have you taken it laughingly?
Laughter is one of the sweetest gifts God has given us, benefiting our minds, spirits, and bodies.
Did you know that during a hearty laugh your diaphragm, abdomen, heart, lungs, and liver actually get a massage?
Laughter also releases an instant flood of your body's "feel good" chemicals (like endorphins), which boost your immune system and reduce your levels of damaging stress hormones.
Humor also helps both sides of your brain work together and helps you get rid of toxic thoughts and emotions.
Laughter is also good for your heart because it leads to increased blood flow, which helps protect against heart attacks.
Do I have you convinced yet? The scientific evidence for the physical benefits of laughter are undoubtedly clear (unlike this sentence). =)
So how often do you laugh...not a little chuckle, but a real deep belly laugh? Once a week? Once a day?
Whether it's reading Garfield cartoons, watching a funny movie, or remembering comic experiences from the past, find some ways to get your laugh-ercise this week.
And keep on smiling! =)
(Much of this information is taken from "Who Switched Off My Brain" by Dr. Caroline Leaf.)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Today I'm speaking to myself when I say that one of the best and simplest things to do for better health is to get some sunshine!
Our skin uses energy from the sun to make vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D performs many essential functions in the body, including strenghthening the immune system and facilitating mineral absorbtion. It is vital for good health!
Some people worry about getting skin cancer from sun exposure. Yet we know God created the sun, and for thousands of years people have lived outside without a high incidence of skin cancer. One theory is that it's only too much sun in addition to a bad diet that leads to skin cancer. A healthy diet with adequate nutrients and healthy fats actually works together with energy from the sun to give the body many benefits.
(This info and more is in "The Maker's Diet" by Jordan Rubin.)
So how much sun is the right amount?
The Natural News website says:
"If we were to expose at least 20% of our skin to sunlight all year round for up to 10 minutes a day without any SPF, then we would ensure adequate amounts of vitamin D. The fairer your skin the less direct exposure is needed to activate vitamin D synthesis. For people with very fair skin, just a short burst of sunshine on their skin would also be enough."
( )
Obviously we don't want to get sunburned, and some people will be able to tolerate more sun exposure than others. But if you're like me, getting any sun at all is the challenge.
My goal at the moment is 10 minutes of direct sunlight three days a week (which will be a big improvement over no sun at all).
What's your goal? Why not pray about it, and ask the Son to help you get the sunlight you need. =)
Our skin uses energy from the sun to make vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D performs many essential functions in the body, including strenghthening the immune system and facilitating mineral absorbtion. It is vital for good health!
Some people worry about getting skin cancer from sun exposure. Yet we know God created the sun, and for thousands of years people have lived outside without a high incidence of skin cancer. One theory is that it's only too much sun in addition to a bad diet that leads to skin cancer. A healthy diet with adequate nutrients and healthy fats actually works together with energy from the sun to give the body many benefits.
(This info and more is in "The Maker's Diet" by Jordan Rubin.)
So how much sun is the right amount?
The Natural News website says:
"If we were to expose at least 20% of our skin to sunlight all year round for up to 10 minutes a day without any SPF, then we would ensure adequate amounts of vitamin D. The fairer your skin the less direct exposure is needed to activate vitamin D synthesis. For people with very fair skin, just a short burst of sunshine on their skin would also be enough."
( )
Obviously we don't want to get sunburned, and some people will be able to tolerate more sun exposure than others. But if you're like me, getting any sun at all is the challenge.
My goal at the moment is 10 minutes of direct sunlight three days a week (which will be a big improvement over no sun at all).
What's your goal? Why not pray about it, and ask the Son to help you get the sunlight you need. =)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak;
the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
2 The LORD will protect him and preserve his life;
he will bless him in the land
and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.
3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed
and restore him from his bed of illness.
-Psalm 41:1-3
the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
2 The LORD will protect him and preserve his life;
he will bless him in the land
and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.
3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed
and restore him from his bed of illness.
-Psalm 41:1-3
Friday, May 27, 2011
Small Victories
One thing I've learned in the last 6 & 1/2 years is the value of celebrating "small" victories.
I can't tell you how many times I've prayed and asked God for instant healing. So far, His answer has always been "No" - but that doesn't mean He isn't answering my prayers. He continues to do many "small" but great works in my spirit and in my body.
I guess we think it's easy to praise God for a "big" miracle like instant healing, but we easily miss the less spectaluar things He does everyday.
So now when I finally get to visit the beach - I rejoice!
When I can take a B-vitamin supplement for the first time in years - I sing!
When I'm strong enough to eat dinner at the dining table - I lift up my hands in praise!
These little details may not be worthy of a TV interview, but they are still worth celebrating - because they are evidence of God's loving and powerful work in my life.
So when you make it through one whole day without sugar - rejoice!
When you can do two minutes of stretches instead of one - clap your hands!
When you eat a strange vegetable and actually enjoy it - laugh with joy!
Rejoice in the Lord and celebrate the victories HE gives - even when they're "small." =)
"They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. The LORD is gracious and compassionate...The LORD is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." -Psalm 145:7,8,13
I can't tell you how many times I've prayed and asked God for instant healing. So far, His answer has always been "No" - but that doesn't mean He isn't answering my prayers. He continues to do many "small" but great works in my spirit and in my body.
I guess we think it's easy to praise God for a "big" miracle like instant healing, but we easily miss the less spectaluar things He does everyday.
So now when I finally get to visit the beach - I rejoice!
When I can take a B-vitamin supplement for the first time in years - I sing!
When I'm strong enough to eat dinner at the dining table - I lift up my hands in praise!
These little details may not be worthy of a TV interview, but they are still worth celebrating - because they are evidence of God's loving and powerful work in my life.
So when you make it through one whole day without sugar - rejoice!
When you can do two minutes of stretches instead of one - clap your hands!
When you eat a strange vegetable and actually enjoy it - laugh with joy!
Rejoice in the Lord and celebrate the victories HE gives - even when they're "small." =)
"They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. The LORD is gracious and compassionate...The LORD is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." -Psalm 145:7,8,13
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Beyond Organic
I recently saw Jordan Rubin (author of "The Maker's Diet") on TV. I have a lot of respect for him as a Christian and as a health advocate.
He was sharing about his latest endeavor, a style of ranching/farming that he calls Beyond Organic. He's gone to great lengths to find ways to produce food that isn't just "organic" according to the food industry standards, but truly natural and healthy as God intended.
I think his food products will be available for sale beginning in October. In the meantime, he's trying to raise awareness of the need for truly organic foods. And he's encouraging other people who are able, to follow his example with their own farms/ranches.
There's more information on his website:
I hope you'll take a few minutes to check it out and help spread the word to others also.
I believe Jordan is someone God has raised up to help His people break out of the bondage of the world's food "system" which truly leads to death. The food God made for us is what we need, what leads to life and health. It encourages me so much to see someone pursuing the dreams God gave them to make a difference in this world! And it motivates me to keep pressing on toward the dreams God has given me. I too want to touch both people's hearts and their health. I know with God ALL things are possible!
Let's keep seeking God's way to be healthy so He can accomplish His plans & dreams for us!
To God be the glory!
He was sharing about his latest endeavor, a style of ranching/farming that he calls Beyond Organic. He's gone to great lengths to find ways to produce food that isn't just "organic" according to the food industry standards, but truly natural and healthy as God intended.
I think his food products will be available for sale beginning in October. In the meantime, he's trying to raise awareness of the need for truly organic foods. And he's encouraging other people who are able, to follow his example with their own farms/ranches.
There's more information on his website:
I hope you'll take a few minutes to check it out and help spread the word to others also.
I believe Jordan is someone God has raised up to help His people break out of the bondage of the world's food "system" which truly leads to death. The food God made for us is what we need, what leads to life and health. It encourages me so much to see someone pursuing the dreams God gave them to make a difference in this world! And it motivates me to keep pressing on toward the dreams God has given me. I too want to touch both people's hearts and their health. I know with God ALL things are possible!
Let's keep seeking God's way to be healthy so He can accomplish His plans & dreams for us!
To God be the glory!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Living with Environtmental Illness requires constant adjustment and flexibility.
As my allergies and sensitivities have gotten worse, I've gradually had to make more and more adjustments, and every day requires flexibility in different ways.
Here are some of the unusual details of my E.I. life:
- Because of my sensitivity to certain kinds of fabrics and to fabrics manufactured in certain countries...I use organic, cotton T-shirts (made mostly in Central Americaa) as all-purpose material - for hand towels, bath towels, T-shirts of course, pillowcases, etc.
- Since practically all bedding now contains fire retardant (required by law), I use a pair of rolled-up jeans for a pillow. Not exactly cloud 9, but at least it's better than a rock. =)
- Sitting in a chair for very long is exhausting, so I haven't eaten a meal at the dining table in ages. I eat on my bed with my feet up.
- For too many reasons to list, my room is completely empty except for my mattress (which is on the floor) and an air purifier (and a mirror which is nailed to the wall).
- With my sensitivity to EMF's (electro-magnetic fields) we turned off the breaker to my room...which means we have to run extension cords from my mom's room through the hall into my room in order to plug in the air purifier. And I have no light in my room, (which isn't quite so bad now since it doesn't get dark so early).
Those are just a few of the crazy details of my E.I. life (and I haven't even started on what it's like for my mom since she has to live with's no picnic for her either).
Sometimes I look around and realize just how far from "normal" my life is. All I can do is laugh at the absurdity of it...and keep adjusting and flexing.
But really, compared to a lot of people with E.I., I'm living in the lap of luxury! I have heat and a/c. I have air purifiers. I have an organic mattress. I have a computer I can use. I have my wonderful mom to take care of me! What more does a girl need, eh? (Well, a real pillow would be nice....) =)
This kind of life gives new meaning to Paul's words that "if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." (1 Tim. 6:8)
The Lord always provides for my needs, even when it's through strange means. I hope I'm learning a kind of contentment that will last through any circumstances.
One day we'll be enjoying our mansions in heaven (with all organic products, right?). =) Until then, I pray whatever you're going through today, you will find contentment not in your cirucmstances, but in the God who cares for you!
As my allergies and sensitivities have gotten worse, I've gradually had to make more and more adjustments, and every day requires flexibility in different ways.
Here are some of the unusual details of my E.I. life:
- Because of my sensitivity to certain kinds of fabrics and to fabrics manufactured in certain countries...I use organic, cotton T-shirts (made mostly in Central Americaa) as all-purpose material - for hand towels, bath towels, T-shirts of course, pillowcases, etc.
- Since practically all bedding now contains fire retardant (required by law), I use a pair of rolled-up jeans for a pillow. Not exactly cloud 9, but at least it's better than a rock. =)
- Sitting in a chair for very long is exhausting, so I haven't eaten a meal at the dining table in ages. I eat on my bed with my feet up.
- For too many reasons to list, my room is completely empty except for my mattress (which is on the floor) and an air purifier (and a mirror which is nailed to the wall).
- With my sensitivity to EMF's (electro-magnetic fields) we turned off the breaker to my room...which means we have to run extension cords from my mom's room through the hall into my room in order to plug in the air purifier. And I have no light in my room, (which isn't quite so bad now since it doesn't get dark so early).
Those are just a few of the crazy details of my E.I. life (and I haven't even started on what it's like for my mom since she has to live with's no picnic for her either).
Sometimes I look around and realize just how far from "normal" my life is. All I can do is laugh at the absurdity of it...and keep adjusting and flexing.
But really, compared to a lot of people with E.I., I'm living in the lap of luxury! I have heat and a/c. I have air purifiers. I have an organic mattress. I have a computer I can use. I have my wonderful mom to take care of me! What more does a girl need, eh? (Well, a real pillow would be nice....) =)
This kind of life gives new meaning to Paul's words that "if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." (1 Tim. 6:8)
The Lord always provides for my needs, even when it's through strange means. I hope I'm learning a kind of contentment that will last through any circumstances.
One day we'll be enjoying our mansions in heaven (with all organic products, right?). =) Until then, I pray whatever you're going through today, you will find contentment not in your cirucmstances, but in the God who cares for you!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Cell Phone Radiation
Hello. Today I just wanted to write a quick note about cell phones.
While the debate continues about just how damaging cell phone radiation is, I think it's clear that we should take precautions. Recent studies have raised concern about the safety of cell phone radiation, which can lead to an increased risk of cancer and other health problems.
I think it's important for us to take this issue seriously. And it's not hard to do something. There are simple things we can do to minimize exposure to cell phone radiation.
* Don't hold the phone next to your head - use the speaker-phone or an ear-phone when you talk.
* Don't carry cell phones in pockets or a hip-holster, as this put the radiation right next to the body.
* Leave your cell phone in a different room (or at least across the room from you ) at night, not right next to your bed.
* When you're ready for a new phone, buy one with a lower level of radiation.
The Environmental Working Group has a special section focused on this issue with more tips and a chart listing which phones (including smart phones) emit the least or the most radiation.
Just be aware of the possible dangers and take appropriate precautions.
Also, something most people are unaware of, is the fact that cordless phones also emit high levels of radiation. If you still have a land-line, I suggest unplugging the cordless phone and using a regular wall-phone instead.
A few years ago, one of my doctor's suggested that I spend 10 minutes a day standing barefoot on the ground. This "grounding" supposedly helps the body get rid of excess electromagnetic radiation that it has absorbed. (I haven't looked up the scientific research on this yet, but I can only imagine that standing on the earth God created would be a beneficial thing.) =)
It's hard sometimes to remember that our bodies are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields - electricity/power lines, wireless internet, cell phone towers, radio waves.... These things are foreign to the body, so the more we can limit our total exposure, the better.
Take care!
While the debate continues about just how damaging cell phone radiation is, I think it's clear that we should take precautions. Recent studies have raised concern about the safety of cell phone radiation, which can lead to an increased risk of cancer and other health problems.
I think it's important for us to take this issue seriously. And it's not hard to do something. There are simple things we can do to minimize exposure to cell phone radiation.
* Don't hold the phone next to your head - use the speaker-phone or an ear-phone when you talk.
* Don't carry cell phones in pockets or a hip-holster, as this put the radiation right next to the body.
* Leave your cell phone in a different room (or at least across the room from you ) at night, not right next to your bed.
* When you're ready for a new phone, buy one with a lower level of radiation.
The Environmental Working Group has a special section focused on this issue with more tips and a chart listing which phones (including smart phones) emit the least or the most radiation.
Just be aware of the possible dangers and take appropriate precautions.
Also, something most people are unaware of, is the fact that cordless phones also emit high levels of radiation. If you still have a land-line, I suggest unplugging the cordless phone and using a regular wall-phone instead.
A few years ago, one of my doctor's suggested that I spend 10 minutes a day standing barefoot on the ground. This "grounding" supposedly helps the body get rid of excess electromagnetic radiation that it has absorbed. (I haven't looked up the scientific research on this yet, but I can only imagine that standing on the earth God created would be a beneficial thing.) =)
It's hard sometimes to remember that our bodies are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields - electricity/power lines, wireless internet, cell phone towers, radio waves.... These things are foreign to the body, so the more we can limit our total exposure, the better.
Take care!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
His strength
28 "Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and His understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and His understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:28-31
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Ok, this is everyone's favorite topic, right? Not.
But parasties are indeed a real part of most people's health problems.
Most experts estimate that 80-95% of the American population has parasites (just google it - you'll be surprised).
- If you have a pet, you're at risk for parasites.
- If you've ever been out of the country, you undoubtedly picked up parasites.
- If you've ever eaten pork or fish, you've most likely consumed parasites
...these are just a few indicators.
Basically, unless you've recently done a parasite treatment, you most assuredly have them right now.
But before you freak out, try to remember that this knowledge can be a good thing. Parasites can mimic other diseases and cause all kinds of problems in the body. So maybe your strange symptoms have a simple explanation.
The problem is that most doctors don't test for parasites, or they only test for a few kinds. And most medications they prescribe only kill the adult parasites, not the eggs, thus are ineffective.
After I returned from Mexico, my MD gave me a routine parasite medication, which as far as I know, didn't do any good. Next I tried a natural alternative - Wormwood. (That is the nastiest taste on the planet!) I don't think that helped either, because my intestinal problems continued.
Later a friend recommended an herbal treatment, which consisted of taking capsules, powder in water, and drinking a special tea each day, for several weeks (40-50 days, I don't remember exaxtly). Unfortunately, because of my sensitivities to herbs, it made me worse, and I had to quit before I finished it.
Finally, in 2009, I went to Dr. Smith ( who has developed a natural treatment for parasites that actually works! He treated me for parasites in my intestines. Later I found that I had parasites in my adrenal gland, so we treated for those also.
When we tested my mom she originally had them in her stomah and liver. We treated her. Then a few months later more showed up in her lower intestines. So we treated for those.
The point is that there are many different kinds of parasites and they can be in different places in the body. And after treating for one kind, another kind may show up somewhere else. This is why regular checking and treating for parasites is so important.
If you're interested in the natural method we use, send me an email or post a comment, and I'll send you the specifics (it only takes 2 days).
If your body is not as sensitive as mine and you can tolerate herbs, then Dr. Valerie Saxion has an herbal parasite treatment on her website, called ParaCease.
She also has MUCH more information about this topic.
Unfortunately, parasites are part of the reality of living in this fallen world. Whatever you do, please take this seriously! Your body is God's temple. Be a faithful guardian of it. Kick out the "squatters." =)
Fighting for health,
- One more note: A good rule of thumb is to get a new toothbrush every 3 months (germs & nasties build up in your toothbrush). But it's especially improtant to get a new toothbrush when doing a parasite treatment. If you don't, you could end up reinfecting yourself from your toothbrush.
But parasties are indeed a real part of most people's health problems.
Most experts estimate that 80-95% of the American population has parasites (just google it - you'll be surprised).
- If you have a pet, you're at risk for parasites.
- If you've ever been out of the country, you undoubtedly picked up parasites.
- If you've ever eaten pork or fish, you've most likely consumed parasites
...these are just a few indicators.
Basically, unless you've recently done a parasite treatment, you most assuredly have them right now.
But before you freak out, try to remember that this knowledge can be a good thing. Parasites can mimic other diseases and cause all kinds of problems in the body. So maybe your strange symptoms have a simple explanation.
The problem is that most doctors don't test for parasites, or they only test for a few kinds. And most medications they prescribe only kill the adult parasites, not the eggs, thus are ineffective.
After I returned from Mexico, my MD gave me a routine parasite medication, which as far as I know, didn't do any good. Next I tried a natural alternative - Wormwood. (That is the nastiest taste on the planet!) I don't think that helped either, because my intestinal problems continued.
Later a friend recommended an herbal treatment, which consisted of taking capsules, powder in water, and drinking a special tea each day, for several weeks (40-50 days, I don't remember exaxtly). Unfortunately, because of my sensitivities to herbs, it made me worse, and I had to quit before I finished it.
Finally, in 2009, I went to Dr. Smith ( who has developed a natural treatment for parasites that actually works! He treated me for parasites in my intestines. Later I found that I had parasites in my adrenal gland, so we treated for those also.
When we tested my mom she originally had them in her stomah and liver. We treated her. Then a few months later more showed up in her lower intestines. So we treated for those.
The point is that there are many different kinds of parasites and they can be in different places in the body. And after treating for one kind, another kind may show up somewhere else. This is why regular checking and treating for parasites is so important.
If you're interested in the natural method we use, send me an email or post a comment, and I'll send you the specifics (it only takes 2 days).
If your body is not as sensitive as mine and you can tolerate herbs, then Dr. Valerie Saxion has an herbal parasite treatment on her website, called ParaCease.
She also has MUCH more information about this topic.
Unfortunately, parasites are part of the reality of living in this fallen world. Whatever you do, please take this seriously! Your body is God's temple. Be a faithful guardian of it. Kick out the "squatters." =)
Fighting for health,
- One more note: A good rule of thumb is to get a new toothbrush every 3 months (germs & nasties build up in your toothbrush). But it's especially improtant to get a new toothbrush when doing a parasite treatment. If you don't, you could end up reinfecting yourself from your toothbrush.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I CAN...
Living with Environmental Illness is constantly being faced with what I can't do. I can't - go there, do that, eat this, see them.... The ongoing limitations can be overwhelming at times.
Today I just want to praise God for the improvements in my health that mean there are some things I CAN do again!
- I CAN wash dishes!
It's been years since I've been able to stand up long enough to wash a few dishes. And believe me, it feels great! =)
- I CAN read books!
I don't know how many months it's been since I could hold a book in my hands without getting sick from it. I'm having so much fun reading that I'm actually in the middle of 4 different books right now!
- I CAN do 4 & 1/2 push-ups! =)
Ok, not every day, but at least once or twice a week. Yeah!
- I CAN listen to music!
There were a lot of months when I was so weak that any sounds, even good music, would make me feel worse. It's so wonderful to be playing Wayne Watson and Keith Green again!
- I CAN learn!
For a long time my body was in survival mode: eat, breathe, sleep. Thinking was a luxury I didn't have. But now I'm able to receive information, process it and learn - and I'm loving it! (My brain still isn't 100%, but I think it's at least 50% better.)
These are just a few of the things I CAN do again now, things I took for granted for many years. I praise God for His healing work in my body, and I pray I will enjoy every day, being thankful for what I CAN do!
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." (I Thess. 5:18)
Today I just want to praise God for the improvements in my health that mean there are some things I CAN do again!
- I CAN wash dishes!
It's been years since I've been able to stand up long enough to wash a few dishes. And believe me, it feels great! =)
- I CAN read books!
I don't know how many months it's been since I could hold a book in my hands without getting sick from it. I'm having so much fun reading that I'm actually in the middle of 4 different books right now!
- I CAN do 4 & 1/2 push-ups! =)
Ok, not every day, but at least once or twice a week. Yeah!
- I CAN listen to music!
There were a lot of months when I was so weak that any sounds, even good music, would make me feel worse. It's so wonderful to be playing Wayne Watson and Keith Green again!
- I CAN learn!
For a long time my body was in survival mode: eat, breathe, sleep. Thinking was a luxury I didn't have. But now I'm able to receive information, process it and learn - and I'm loving it! (My brain still isn't 100%, but I think it's at least 50% better.)
These are just a few of the things I CAN do again now, things I took for granted for many years. I praise God for His healing work in my body, and I pray I will enjoy every day, being thankful for what I CAN do!
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." (I Thess. 5:18)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Living with E.I. is a roller-coaster.
For a long time, it was all downward spirals and sideways corkscrews for me.
Thankfully, with the right help, I've been able to make some steady upward progress. But that doesn't eliminate the downward plunges or upside down loops.
For example...
In December God brought me to the top of a huge hill - I got off the Cortef medication!
Of course, shortly after that I had an awful reaction to some herbicide, it took over a week to recover. I was just starting to feel better when I reacted to something on Christmas Day!
After two weeks, I was about back to "normal" (for me) when I had another chemical exposure.
I got over that one, then we had fumes in the oven - we couldn't use it for two weeks.
Finally got that straightened out, and then we got gasoline fumes in the house...we're still trying to get those cleared out.
(And this is just a little snapshot of my life, not including all the other twists & turns.)
But E.I. life isn't without its "ups," thanks to God's grace.
One day I was crying out to God in anguish of spirit, just tired of this trial, tired of the struggle, but also tired of this imperfect life, its pain and impermanance.
Then, like someone had flipped a switch in my brain, I realized that, really and truly, earth has nothing I desire! (Ps. 73:25) Everything I love, all that I long for is already stored up for me in heaven!
In a moment God took me from the depths of anguish to the heights of joy! He used the difficulty of my trial, the loops and plunges, to bring me to a place of spiritual awareness and deeper intimacy with Him.
I understand now that if I hadn't gone through the "downs" of the roller-coaster, I wouldn't have experienced the "ups" either.
I guess all of life is a roller-coaster, not just E.I. life. Heaven is our "finish line," our place of permanance and perfection. Until then we're still on this wild ride.
So while sometimes on this roller-coaster I'm holding on for dear life, other moments I'm lifting my hands and shouting for joy!
For a long time, it was all downward spirals and sideways corkscrews for me.
Thankfully, with the right help, I've been able to make some steady upward progress. But that doesn't eliminate the downward plunges or upside down loops.
For example...
In December God brought me to the top of a huge hill - I got off the Cortef medication!
Of course, shortly after that I had an awful reaction to some herbicide, it took over a week to recover. I was just starting to feel better when I reacted to something on Christmas Day!
After two weeks, I was about back to "normal" (for me) when I had another chemical exposure.
I got over that one, then we had fumes in the oven - we couldn't use it for two weeks.
Finally got that straightened out, and then we got gasoline fumes in the house...we're still trying to get those cleared out.
(And this is just a little snapshot of my life, not including all the other twists & turns.)
But E.I. life isn't without its "ups," thanks to God's grace.
One day I was crying out to God in anguish of spirit, just tired of this trial, tired of the struggle, but also tired of this imperfect life, its pain and impermanance.
Then, like someone had flipped a switch in my brain, I realized that, really and truly, earth has nothing I desire! (Ps. 73:25) Everything I love, all that I long for is already stored up for me in heaven!
In a moment God took me from the depths of anguish to the heights of joy! He used the difficulty of my trial, the loops and plunges, to bring me to a place of spiritual awareness and deeper intimacy with Him.
I understand now that if I hadn't gone through the "downs" of the roller-coaster, I wouldn't have experienced the "ups" either.
I guess all of life is a roller-coaster, not just E.I. life. Heaven is our "finish line," our place of permanance and perfection. Until then we're still on this wild ride.
So while sometimes on this roller-coaster I'm holding on for dear life, other moments I'm lifting my hands and shouting for joy!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
What To Pray
This week I was thinking about my E.I. friends who are heavy on my heart. I want so badly to be able to change their circumstances, heal their bodies, and free them from suffering.
At the same time, I know that God has allowed me these years of health problems to bring about much good in my life. So even though I continue to ask Him to restore my friends' health, I thought of a few other important prayer requests...things I have often prayed for myself, things we can pray for anyone with E.I., maybe things you need prayer for as well, whatever your circumstances.
I hope these prayer requests will help you in praying for others and encourage you in your own relationship with God today.
Please pray for those with E.I. -
- to have sufficient courage to face each day's challenges. Some days we just don't want to open our eyes to another day of suffering. Only God can give supernatural courage.
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." (Philippians 1:20)
- to continually meditate on God's promises, not negative thoughts, especially during sleepless nights.
"My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises." (Psalm 119:148)
- to find and hold on to hope - hope in God, but also hope for restored health. People with E.I. need to know that they can get better, that there are answers, that this illness won't last forever.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)
- to practice vocal praise to God, in spite of how we feel and what we see.
"Accept, O LORD, the willing praise of my mouth," (Psalm 119:108a)
- to learn how to be truly happy in God alone. There is a genuine gladness we can have in knowing God, regardless of circumstances. But only God can accomplish this.
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." (Psalm 90:14)
Praise God that He hears our prayers and listens to our cries!
Thank you for praying.
At the same time, I know that God has allowed me these years of health problems to bring about much good in my life. So even though I continue to ask Him to restore my friends' health, I thought of a few other important prayer requests...things I have often prayed for myself, things we can pray for anyone with E.I., maybe things you need prayer for as well, whatever your circumstances.
I hope these prayer requests will help you in praying for others and encourage you in your own relationship with God today.
Please pray for those with E.I. -
- to have sufficient courage to face each day's challenges. Some days we just don't want to open our eyes to another day of suffering. Only God can give supernatural courage.
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." (Philippians 1:20)
- to continually meditate on God's promises, not negative thoughts, especially during sleepless nights.
"My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises." (Psalm 119:148)
- to find and hold on to hope - hope in God, but also hope for restored health. People with E.I. need to know that they can get better, that there are answers, that this illness won't last forever.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)
- to practice vocal praise to God, in spite of how we feel and what we see.
"Accept, O LORD, the willing praise of my mouth," (Psalm 119:108a)
- to learn how to be truly happy in God alone. There is a genuine gladness we can have in knowing God, regardless of circumstances. But only God can accomplish this.
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." (Psalm 90:14)
Praise God that He hears our prayers and listens to our cries!
Thank you for praying.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Prayer Request
Please pray for my friends Sam & Nathan and their mom, Karen.
They have Environmental Illness, like me, only they are more sick than I am right now (about like I was 2 years ago). They don't have a computer because they are so sensitive to EMF's (Electromagnetic Fields). So we write letters and talk on the phone once in a while.
They live in the mountains of AZ, but the high elevation isn't good for them, so they've been wanting to move to a lower place. This seems like an impossible goal. With their chronic fatigue and extreme sensitivites, it's all they can do just to get through each day, let alone find a safe place to move to, get their van in working order, get all the details in place for a move, etc.
I talked with Karen briefly this week. Things have been rougher than usual lately, and she sounded pretty discouraged.
Because they've been dealing with these health problems for more than 15 years, they don't have a church family or much spiritual encouragement or support at all. My heart just goes out to them!
Sometimes I forget how incredibly blessed I am to have so many wonderful people praying for me, encouraging me, helping me.... I'm trying to be that for this family, but I could definitely use your help.
So, if you will, please take a moment today to pray for Sam, Nathan & Karen.
Pray that God will encourage their hearts and strengthen their faith in Him during this long, ongoing battle.
And please pray for God to divinely heal them, or to lead them to some real help and answers that will bring healing to their bodies.
Thank you so much! It's such a blessing to have this blog and know that people care about those of us with E.I. And it's an even greater blessing to be part of the Family of God! =)
Your sister in Christ,
They have Environmental Illness, like me, only they are more sick than I am right now (about like I was 2 years ago). They don't have a computer because they are so sensitive to EMF's (Electromagnetic Fields). So we write letters and talk on the phone once in a while.
They live in the mountains of AZ, but the high elevation isn't good for them, so they've been wanting to move to a lower place. This seems like an impossible goal. With their chronic fatigue and extreme sensitivites, it's all they can do just to get through each day, let alone find a safe place to move to, get their van in working order, get all the details in place for a move, etc.
I talked with Karen briefly this week. Things have been rougher than usual lately, and she sounded pretty discouraged.
Because they've been dealing with these health problems for more than 15 years, they don't have a church family or much spiritual encouragement or support at all. My heart just goes out to them!
Sometimes I forget how incredibly blessed I am to have so many wonderful people praying for me, encouraging me, helping me.... I'm trying to be that for this family, but I could definitely use your help.
So, if you will, please take a moment today to pray for Sam, Nathan & Karen.
Pray that God will encourage their hearts and strengthen their faith in Him during this long, ongoing battle.
And please pray for God to divinely heal them, or to lead them to some real help and answers that will bring healing to their bodies.
Thank you so much! It's such a blessing to have this blog and know that people care about those of us with E.I. And it's an even greater blessing to be part of the Family of God! =)
Your sister in Christ,
Friday, March 18, 2011
Teach Me
I've had health problems for a long time, and I know a lot of people who are sick. The one thing we all pray continually is, "Lord, please heal me!"
We know God is our Healer, and thankfully we can always pray and ask Him for healing.
But I think many times God would like us to also pray, "Lord, please teach me."
Teach me how my body works.
Teach me what causes illness and why I'm sick.
Teach me about the things you have provided to help my body heal.
Teach me more about you through this trial.
Teach me to depend on your strength in my weakness.
Teach me whatever you want me to learn.
Teach me....
I can tell you that if God had healed me miraculously when I asked Him to several years ago, I'd never have learned all the things I know now. And I probably would have ended up getting sick again down the road, because I'd still have been ignorant of how my body works and what to do to keep it healthy. Not to mention all the spiritual lessons I would have missed.
I know our natural tendency in any trial is to just get OUT of it as quickly as possible! But God's goal for us is not a perfect life on this earth, but a life that is being transformed through our trials.
So as we continue to ask for healing, I hope we will also have courage to keep praying, "Lord, teach me."
"Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
-Psalm 27:11
We know God is our Healer, and thankfully we can always pray and ask Him for healing.
But I think many times God would like us to also pray, "Lord, please teach me."
Teach me how my body works.
Teach me what causes illness and why I'm sick.
Teach me about the things you have provided to help my body heal.
Teach me more about you through this trial.
Teach me to depend on your strength in my weakness.
Teach me whatever you want me to learn.
Teach me....
I can tell you that if God had healed me miraculously when I asked Him to several years ago, I'd never have learned all the things I know now. And I probably would have ended up getting sick again down the road, because I'd still have been ignorant of how my body works and what to do to keep it healthy. Not to mention all the spiritual lessons I would have missed.
I know our natural tendency in any trial is to just get OUT of it as quickly as possible! But God's goal for us is not a perfect life on this earth, but a life that is being transformed through our trials.
So as we continue to ask for healing, I hope we will also have courage to keep praying, "Lord, teach me."
"Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
-Psalm 27:11
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Stick To It
You may already know this, but I think it's worth mentioning here - that teflon/non-stick cookware is hazardous to your health.
Here's a paragraph from the Natural News website:
" the two to five minutes that cookware coated with Teflon is heating on a conventional stovetop, temperatures can exceed to the point that the coating breaks apart and emits toxic particles and gases. At various temperatures these coatings can release at least six toxic gases, including two carcinogens."
(from -
I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to be breathing in any more carcinogens than I already am from living in this toxic world.
According to Dr. Valerie Saxion, the toxins we encounter from teflon are difficult for the body to detox, because they are stored in the fat cells. You can't just drink more water to 'wash them out.' (Eating parsley and cilantro can help somewhat in detoxing the fat cells in your body.) The toxins from teflon can also be passed through a mother to her unborn baby.
Our culture is always looking for what's convenient. But in many cases, what's convenient is also what's dangerous. Thankfully there are healthy and safe alternatives to cooking with teflon/non-stick coated pans.
"We continue to recommend cast iron and stainless steel cookware as safer options for stove-top cooking, and oven-safe glass for baking. These safer pans might be a little harder to clean, but your health is worth it."
(from -
In light of this knowledge, just wanted to encourage you to 'stick to' the healthy choices in cookware and say no to the non-sticky choices.
Just another simple way to protect your health and your family.
Here's a paragraph from the Natural News website:
" the two to five minutes that cookware coated with Teflon is heating on a conventional stovetop, temperatures can exceed to the point that the coating breaks apart and emits toxic particles and gases. At various temperatures these coatings can release at least six toxic gases, including two carcinogens."
(from -
I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to be breathing in any more carcinogens than I already am from living in this toxic world.
According to Dr. Valerie Saxion, the toxins we encounter from teflon are difficult for the body to detox, because they are stored in the fat cells. You can't just drink more water to 'wash them out.' (Eating parsley and cilantro can help somewhat in detoxing the fat cells in your body.) The toxins from teflon can also be passed through a mother to her unborn baby.
Our culture is always looking for what's convenient. But in many cases, what's convenient is also what's dangerous. Thankfully there are healthy and safe alternatives to cooking with teflon/non-stick coated pans.
"We continue to recommend cast iron and stainless steel cookware as safer options for stove-top cooking, and oven-safe glass for baking. These safer pans might be a little harder to clean, but your health is worth it."
(from -
In light of this knowledge, just wanted to encourage you to 'stick to' the healthy choices in cookware and say no to the non-sticky choices.
Just another simple way to protect your health and your family.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Right Perspective
As a follow-up to my last post, I just wanted to add some specific examples and details about having the right perspective on healthcare.
You probably know that regular doctors love to run thousands of dollars worth of tests on sick people. The usual result is that they still don't know what's wrong, or at best, they can only tell you what you don't have (you don't have malaria, or hepatitis, or whatever).
In those rare cases where they discover "the problem" of someone's symptoms - such as high cholesterol, improper hormone levels, brain chemical imbalance, etc. - they still haven't told you what the root cause is. If your hormone levels are off, you need to find what caused them to be that way. Just adding more hormones to your body may "fix" your test results, but it won't actually heal the root problem.
And most often once doctors find a "name" for your problem, they either prescribe a drug (or several drugs), or they recommend surgery. It usually doesn't even occur to them that there are things you can do to actually help your body heal, once you find the true root cause of the problem.
I've discovered a few basic things that I believe are the root causes of almost all health problems.
1) poor nutrition - anyone who eats a 'typical' American diet for even a few years, will end up with a body starving for nutrients and experience all kinds of health problems as a result.
2) toxic overload - our country is riddled with toxic chemicals like never before. They are everywhere! The body can only handle so much toxic exposure before it begins to break down in several areas.
3) bugs - mainly things like parasites, entrenched viral or bacterial infections, overgrowth of candida, etc.
And STRESS is also a big factor in our overall health. Though I think it is mainly in combination with these other things that it causes problems.
So, before you face spending hundreds of dollars on more tests, having surgery, or filling your body full of toxic drugs, why not explore the things you can be doing right now to help your body heal and repair itself.
1) Eat organic foods, lots of veggies and fruits, no sugar or processed foods. - You might not see a huge change with this overnight, but it will make a difference in your body.
(Here's my post about some diet recomendations -
2) Get a lymphatic massage at least twice a month. - I know I've mentioned this many times before. There's just no way for me to overstate how important this is in facilitating your body's ability to detox! If you don't do the massage, then whatever else you do to help detox will probably not be effective or at least not as effective. God created the lymphatic system to drain the toxins from your body. If it's "choked" then you will have serious repercussions.
(Here's my post about lymphatic massage -
For more ideas about detoxing, here's my post on that -
3) Do a parasite treatment. - The CDC estimates that 80% of Americans have parasites. However, most doctors never think of this, and if they do, they only test for about 10% of the possible parasites. And, most of the regular drug treatments only kill the adult parasites, not the eggs. Thus they are completely ineffective.
If you're interested I can tell you how to do a natural parasite treatment (from the dr I saw in Idaho). Just send me an email.
Or you can try an herbal treatment. I've heard that Dr. Val Saxion has a good one, though I haven't used it myself. Here's her website -
4) Start with essential supplements - Most people are magnesium deficient and mineral deficient because of poor diets and depleted soil, etc. I'ts a fact that the body cannot produce trace minerals, magnesium, or vit. C. So these are three very important things you should supplement with (since it's almost impossible to get high enough amounts of these from food).
Also, Probiotics are vital, as I mentioned in a previous post. And coconut oil is incredibly valuable in boosting the immune system and fighting those 'bugs' in the body.
(Probiotics post -
Coconut oil post -
5) Find a natural health care provider. - I actually have 2 naturopaths, an herbalogist, my dr in Idaho, and a physical therapist that I've worked with over the last couple of years. All of them are Christians and have helped me tremendously in understanding how to work with my body toward the goal of good health.
(I've listed some suggestions in my post about resources -
6) Take care of your mental/emotional/spiritual health. Things like stress, anxiety, anger, fear, etc. are all damaging to our bodies. Renewing our minds in God's Word, prayer, and encouragement from others are always helpful and beneficial to all areas of our health. =)
These are things that anyone can do, things that will make a difference, things that can help your body to heal or just strengthen it so you can avoid so many of the health problems that are prevelant today.
If we want to be healthier than the average person today, then I believe we need to think differently and act differently. Let's not be 'conformed' to the world's ideas (Rom. 12:1-2) about health and the body. Let's continue to seek the knowledge God gives - after all He created our bodies! - and do the things He has provided so that we can live in good health and be available for all God longs to do through us!
You probably know that regular doctors love to run thousands of dollars worth of tests on sick people. The usual result is that they still don't know what's wrong, or at best, they can only tell you what you don't have (you don't have malaria, or hepatitis, or whatever).
In those rare cases where they discover "the problem" of someone's symptoms - such as high cholesterol, improper hormone levels, brain chemical imbalance, etc. - they still haven't told you what the root cause is. If your hormone levels are off, you need to find what caused them to be that way. Just adding more hormones to your body may "fix" your test results, but it won't actually heal the root problem.
And most often once doctors find a "name" for your problem, they either prescribe a drug (or several drugs), or they recommend surgery. It usually doesn't even occur to them that there are things you can do to actually help your body heal, once you find the true root cause of the problem.
I've discovered a few basic things that I believe are the root causes of almost all health problems.
1) poor nutrition - anyone who eats a 'typical' American diet for even a few years, will end up with a body starving for nutrients and experience all kinds of health problems as a result.
2) toxic overload - our country is riddled with toxic chemicals like never before. They are everywhere! The body can only handle so much toxic exposure before it begins to break down in several areas.
3) bugs - mainly things like parasites, entrenched viral or bacterial infections, overgrowth of candida, etc.
And STRESS is also a big factor in our overall health. Though I think it is mainly in combination with these other things that it causes problems.
So, before you face spending hundreds of dollars on more tests, having surgery, or filling your body full of toxic drugs, why not explore the things you can be doing right now to help your body heal and repair itself.
1) Eat organic foods, lots of veggies and fruits, no sugar or processed foods. - You might not see a huge change with this overnight, but it will make a difference in your body.
(Here's my post about some diet recomendations -
2) Get a lymphatic massage at least twice a month. - I know I've mentioned this many times before. There's just no way for me to overstate how important this is in facilitating your body's ability to detox! If you don't do the massage, then whatever else you do to help detox will probably not be effective or at least not as effective. God created the lymphatic system to drain the toxins from your body. If it's "choked" then you will have serious repercussions.
(Here's my post about lymphatic massage -
For more ideas about detoxing, here's my post on that -
3) Do a parasite treatment. - The CDC estimates that 80% of Americans have parasites. However, most doctors never think of this, and if they do, they only test for about 10% of the possible parasites. And, most of the regular drug treatments only kill the adult parasites, not the eggs. Thus they are completely ineffective.
If you're interested I can tell you how to do a natural parasite treatment (from the dr I saw in Idaho). Just send me an email.
Or you can try an herbal treatment. I've heard that Dr. Val Saxion has a good one, though I haven't used it myself. Here's her website -
4) Start with essential supplements - Most people are magnesium deficient and mineral deficient because of poor diets and depleted soil, etc. I'ts a fact that the body cannot produce trace minerals, magnesium, or vit. C. So these are three very important things you should supplement with (since it's almost impossible to get high enough amounts of these from food).
Also, Probiotics are vital, as I mentioned in a previous post. And coconut oil is incredibly valuable in boosting the immune system and fighting those 'bugs' in the body.
(Probiotics post -
Coconut oil post -
5) Find a natural health care provider. - I actually have 2 naturopaths, an herbalogist, my dr in Idaho, and a physical therapist that I've worked with over the last couple of years. All of them are Christians and have helped me tremendously in understanding how to work with my body toward the goal of good health.
(I've listed some suggestions in my post about resources -
6) Take care of your mental/emotional/spiritual health. Things like stress, anxiety, anger, fear, etc. are all damaging to our bodies. Renewing our minds in God's Word, prayer, and encouragement from others are always helpful and beneficial to all areas of our health. =)
These are things that anyone can do, things that will make a difference, things that can help your body to heal or just strengthen it so you can avoid so many of the health problems that are prevelant today.
If we want to be healthier than the average person today, then I believe we need to think differently and act differently. Let's not be 'conformed' to the world's ideas (Rom. 12:1-2) about health and the body. Let's continue to seek the knowledge God gives - after all He created our bodies! - and do the things He has provided so that we can live in good health and be available for all God longs to do through us!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Religion & Healthcare
For what it's worth, I'd like to share a perspective God has given me about our modern healthcare system. These are things God has shown me through my health trial, through painful experiences, and through long-term observation.
I hope this post will be of some value to you. It breaks my heart to see others going down the same road of pain and suffering I've been on. I long to do anything I can to help people avoid that if at all possible.
I know many doctors sincerely want to help people, however most of them are unable to do so mainly because our "modern" medical system is bankrupt.
Let me explain. Most doctors today have a wrong foundation for the practice of medicine. Almost all of them were trained in schools that taught 'medicine' from an evolutionary world view. On the surface, this may not seem important, but whenever you take God out of the picture in any arena, you can be sure disastrous results will follow. (see Romans chapter 1:18-32)
The evolutionary world view thinks that things can just "happen" (like the "big bang" theory). This includes various health problems. I've heard this a lot in regard to arthritis, allergies, headaches, etc. -- "you just get them sometimes."
This world view also sees "new" diseases developing. And it thinks that man can come up with a better way to 'fix' our problems - thus the explosion of chemically manufactured drugs. There is more, but I think these are the basic flaws.
In contrast, a creation world view sees God as the Creator, and a world that operates by the laws of cause and effect. God is the first cause (Himself uncaused) and nothing just "happens." Everything has a cause & effect.
In addition, man is fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps. 139:14) The human body was designed by God with the ability to heal and repair itself. And God has given us everything we need for LIFE and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3), which means what God created is useful for all the needs of our bodies.
I know this may sound too academic to really matter, but believe me, these are the hard-earned conclusions God has given me after many years of experience in the medical world and seeing very contrasting views of different doctors.
The doctors who have really helped me are the ones who are Christians and who believe in everything I mentioned above - that every health problem has a root cause, that the body is designed to heal, and that we must give the body what it needs from creation to help it heal - not from what man has manufactured.
Of course, there are some things in 'modern' medicine that are life-saving, and I'm not discounting those. But for almost all health issues, I believe it makes a huge difference which foundation you start with.
Healthcare without 'Religion' - or for our perspective, without a foundational belief in our Creator God - will be incomplete and ineffective, and in some cases even dangerous and life-threatening.
I think this a pivotal time for Christians to examine the way we think about these things and to ask God to change our perspective and understanding from an evolutionary world view of medical care to a creation, godly world view.
And I think it's important for us to seek out and pray for doctors who will help and serve the sick from the right foundation.
What you believe matters. And what your doctor believes matters. Let's bring God back into healthcare.
I hope this post will be of some value to you. It breaks my heart to see others going down the same road of pain and suffering I've been on. I long to do anything I can to help people avoid that if at all possible.
I know many doctors sincerely want to help people, however most of them are unable to do so mainly because our "modern" medical system is bankrupt.
Let me explain. Most doctors today have a wrong foundation for the practice of medicine. Almost all of them were trained in schools that taught 'medicine' from an evolutionary world view. On the surface, this may not seem important, but whenever you take God out of the picture in any arena, you can be sure disastrous results will follow. (see Romans chapter 1:18-32)
The evolutionary world view thinks that things can just "happen" (like the "big bang" theory). This includes various health problems. I've heard this a lot in regard to arthritis, allergies, headaches, etc. -- "you just get them sometimes."
This world view also sees "new" diseases developing. And it thinks that man can come up with a better way to 'fix' our problems - thus the explosion of chemically manufactured drugs. There is more, but I think these are the basic flaws.
In contrast, a creation world view sees God as the Creator, and a world that operates by the laws of cause and effect. God is the first cause (Himself uncaused) and nothing just "happens." Everything has a cause & effect.
In addition, man is fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps. 139:14) The human body was designed by God with the ability to heal and repair itself. And God has given us everything we need for LIFE and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3), which means what God created is useful for all the needs of our bodies.
I know this may sound too academic to really matter, but believe me, these are the hard-earned conclusions God has given me after many years of experience in the medical world and seeing very contrasting views of different doctors.
The doctors who have really helped me are the ones who are Christians and who believe in everything I mentioned above - that every health problem has a root cause, that the body is designed to heal, and that we must give the body what it needs from creation to help it heal - not from what man has manufactured.
Of course, there are some things in 'modern' medicine that are life-saving, and I'm not discounting those. But for almost all health issues, I believe it makes a huge difference which foundation you start with.
Healthcare without 'Religion' - or for our perspective, without a foundational belief in our Creator God - will be incomplete and ineffective, and in some cases even dangerous and life-threatening.
I think this a pivotal time for Christians to examine the way we think about these things and to ask God to change our perspective and understanding from an evolutionary world view of medical care to a creation, godly world view.
And I think it's important for us to seek out and pray for doctors who will help and serve the sick from the right foundation.
What you believe matters. And what your doctor believes matters. Let's bring God back into healthcare.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hello. Today I want to just list some websites that I hope will be helpful resources for you in your health journey.
- Environmental Working Group
This is an excellent site with all kinds of great information like -
Shopper's guide to pesticides, Bottled water guide, Cosmetics database, Cell phone radiation report, etc.
You can sign up to receive email updates, (usually about once a week) or check out their blog -
They also have action points - petitions to sign or issues to contact congressman about.
I really appreciate their good work and hope you will benefit from it as well.
- Beyond Organic Insider
This is Jordan Rubin's blog where he tells the hard truth about many health and food issues. From revealing what's really in your drinking water, to exposing common food myths, Jordan will keep you well informed about what's really happening in the food and health industries. I appreciate his willingness to speak up and be a voice of truth in this age of misinformation and deception.
- Environmental Illness Resource
If you know someone with E.I., this website has information and ways to connect with other people with E.I.
Caution - Some of the treatment methods they describe on this site are more radical than I would recommend. Just be careful about following any treatment recommendations, while still making good use of the information and community aspects of this site.
NEEDS is a discount vitamin/supplement/health products site. They usually have better prices than most health food stores, and they have almost every product imaginable.
- Dr. Mercola
This link contains Dr. Mercola's thorough information about coconut oil and its many health benefits.
- Brenda Watson
You may have seen her show on PBS. She has all kinds of information about probiotics and health issues related to a lack of these "good bacteria" in the body.
- Doug Kaufman
Doug's mission is to educate people about candida, mold and fungus and how they affect the body. His website tells where you can watch his TV show, what the Phase One diet is, which foods are anti-fungal, etc.
- Dr. Valerie Saxion (Naturopath)
I often watch her TV show, "Alternative Health." She shares all kinds of great health information and also sells a wide variety of products.
- Dr. Anthony Smith (Chiropractor/CBT practitioner)
This is the dr I saw almost 2 years ago in Idaho. If you know someone in the Northwest area with chronic health issues, I highly recommend him! His CBT treatment is effective for - allergies, candida, parasites, viruses, Lymes disease, etc.
I use the CBT treatment every single day for all kinds of issues, and I know that being treated by Dr. Smith was a huge part of my healing process.
- Connie Newcombe (Herbalogist)
She is the herbalogist I've been working with for more than a year and a half now. She is very knowledgeable about the healing properties of various foods, herbs, plants, etc. I highly recommend her to anyone dealing with any health issue. (She does phone appointments, so she can work with anyone regardless of location.)
OK, those are some of the basic resources I use. I hope you found something helpful there. If you're looking for information on something specific, please let me know and I'll get back to you if I can help.
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This site has video clips demonstrating specific massage techniques, as well as other information about lymphatic massage.
- Environmental Working Group
This is an excellent site with all kinds of great information like -
Shopper's guide to pesticides, Bottled water guide, Cosmetics database, Cell phone radiation report, etc.
You can sign up to receive email updates, (usually about once a week) or check out their blog -
They also have action points - petitions to sign or issues to contact congressman about.
I really appreciate their good work and hope you will benefit from it as well.
- Beyond Organic Insider
This is Jordan Rubin's blog where he tells the hard truth about many health and food issues. From revealing what's really in your drinking water, to exposing common food myths, Jordan will keep you well informed about what's really happening in the food and health industries. I appreciate his willingness to speak up and be a voice of truth in this age of misinformation and deception.
- Environmental Illness Resource
If you know someone with E.I., this website has information and ways to connect with other people with E.I.
Caution - Some of the treatment methods they describe on this site are more radical than I would recommend. Just be careful about following any treatment recommendations, while still making good use of the information and community aspects of this site.
NEEDS is a discount vitamin/supplement/health products site. They usually have better prices than most health food stores, and they have almost every product imaginable.
- Dr. Mercola
This link contains Dr. Mercola's thorough information about coconut oil and its many health benefits.
- Brenda Watson
You may have seen her show on PBS. She has all kinds of information about probiotics and health issues related to a lack of these "good bacteria" in the body.
- Doug Kaufman
Doug's mission is to educate people about candida, mold and fungus and how they affect the body. His website tells where you can watch his TV show, what the Phase One diet is, which foods are anti-fungal, etc.
- Dr. Valerie Saxion (Naturopath)
I often watch her TV show, "Alternative Health." She shares all kinds of great health information and also sells a wide variety of products.
- Dr. Anthony Smith (Chiropractor/CBT practitioner)
This is the dr I saw almost 2 years ago in Idaho. If you know someone in the Northwest area with chronic health issues, I highly recommend him! His CBT treatment is effective for - allergies, candida, parasites, viruses, Lymes disease, etc.
I use the CBT treatment every single day for all kinds of issues, and I know that being treated by Dr. Smith was a huge part of my healing process.
- Connie Newcombe (Herbalogist)
She is the herbalogist I've been working with for more than a year and a half now. She is very knowledgeable about the healing properties of various foods, herbs, plants, etc. I highly recommend her to anyone dealing with any health issue. (She does phone appointments, so she can work with anyone regardless of location.)
OK, those are some of the basic resources I use. I hope you found something helpful there. If you're looking for information on something specific, please let me know and I'll get back to you if I can help.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Oil Change
For years I used only canola oil and olive oil in cooking and on my food. Some people told me about many dangers of canola oil, while others held that it was healthy for the body.
Well, last year I decided to do more research. Again, I found people standing adamantly on both sides of the issue. However, I also discoverd that canola oil comes from a plant that has been genetically modified (though some websites claim some canola oil was only naturally hybridized). Certainly if a plant has been genetically altered, we know it is a serious health risk. (I've heard that soybeans are the #1 genetically modified plant in this country. Definitely a good reason to avoid soy products.)
Considering all of the information about the possible dangers of canola oil, I decided it was wiser to remove this oil completely from my diet.
At the same time, I discovered many health experts recommending coconut oil. This oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, good for the immune system, and more.... It is also great for cooking since it is the only oil stable enough for high cooking temperatures. It is excellent for cooking & baking, putting on food instead of margarine or butter, and even rubbing on the skin.
After reading all this great information, I decided to make the switch from canola oil to coconut oil, and I'm very glad I did. =)
If you want to read more about coconut oil, Dr. Mercola has tons of great information on his website, including a list of requirements for the kind of coconut oil you should buy (not all coconut oil is created equal). Here are his recommendations:
• Certified organic by USDA standards
• No refining
• No chemicals added (including hexane)
• No bleaching
• No deodorization
• No hydrogenation
• Made from traditional coconut palms only, no hybrid or genetically modified (GMO) varieties
• Made from fresh coconuts, not the dried "copra" used in cheap oils
• Made without heat processing
If you're still using canola, vegetable, or other possibly harmful oils, I hope you'll check out this info and decide it's time to get your oil changed. =) You'll be thankful for all the great health benefits that come with it!
(As a side note, I do still use olive oil, but only for putting on my food, not for cooking.)
Well, last year I decided to do more research. Again, I found people standing adamantly on both sides of the issue. However, I also discoverd that canola oil comes from a plant that has been genetically modified (though some websites claim some canola oil was only naturally hybridized). Certainly if a plant has been genetically altered, we know it is a serious health risk. (I've heard that soybeans are the #1 genetically modified plant in this country. Definitely a good reason to avoid soy products.)
Considering all of the information about the possible dangers of canola oil, I decided it was wiser to remove this oil completely from my diet.
At the same time, I discovered many health experts recommending coconut oil. This oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, good for the immune system, and more.... It is also great for cooking since it is the only oil stable enough for high cooking temperatures. It is excellent for cooking & baking, putting on food instead of margarine or butter, and even rubbing on the skin.
After reading all this great information, I decided to make the switch from canola oil to coconut oil, and I'm very glad I did. =)
If you want to read more about coconut oil, Dr. Mercola has tons of great information on his website, including a list of requirements for the kind of coconut oil you should buy (not all coconut oil is created equal). Here are his recommendations:
• Certified organic by USDA standards
• No refining
• No chemicals added (including hexane)
• No bleaching
• No deodorization
• No hydrogenation
• Made from traditional coconut palms only, no hybrid or genetically modified (GMO) varieties
• Made from fresh coconuts, not the dried "copra" used in cheap oils
• Made without heat processing
If you're still using canola, vegetable, or other possibly harmful oils, I hope you'll check out this info and decide it's time to get your oil changed. =) You'll be thankful for all the great health benefits that come with it!
(As a side note, I do still use olive oil, but only for putting on my food, not for cooking.)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Support Bacteria
Recently I read this funny quote: "Support bacteria. It's the only culture some people have." =)
Even though it's meant as a joke, there's a lot of truth in it. We do need to support bacteria.
Right now it seems like most people, doctors, and companies are trying to rid the earth of all bacteria! Practically every product from hand soap to trash bags is now labeled "anti-bacterial."
Newsflash: God created bacteria. It serves a vital role in the earth's natural processes. It isn't going to go away anytime soon.
I think all this emphasis on "anti-bacterial" is actually very damaging. The bad bacteria are just getting stronger and more resistant to the chemicals and drugs used to kill them. And the good bacteria are being killed off more and more.
Yes, I said GOOD bacteria. Believe it or not, we need bacteria.
Did you know that approximately 80% of your immune system is in your gut (intestines)?
Whenever I heard that statistic before, I always assumed that was the doctor's way of trying to get me to eat healthier. =) But it's much more than just eating a healthy diet.
Can you guess the reason why 80% of the immune system is in the gut?
Because that's where the GOOD bacteria live!
Think of the good bacteria as the cowboys in the white hats, and the bad bacteria as the rustlers in the black hats. Good guys verses bad guys. When the bad bacteria enters our bodies, it's the good bacteria that's able to fight it off. The good bacteria also fights viruses, candida, and other invaders.
If there's not enough of the good guys in our bodies, then we're in serious trouble.
Because the good bacteria is such a huge part of the immune system, not having enough can cause all kinds of health problems. This includes everything from digestive problems to many things you wouldn't expect, such as: arthritis, chronic fatigue, skin problems, etc.
Certain foods are rich in good bacteria - saurkraut, yogurt, and other fermented foods. However, it's hard to eat enough of these foods to get all the good bacteria you need. (Not to mention that most yogurt has more sugar in it than ice cream has--unless it's plain and unsweetened. Eating yogurt for bacteria isn't worth the trade off of the sugar damage.)
So it's important to supplement with good bacteria.
According to Brenda Watson, author of "The Road To Perfect Health" ( - there are 4 main requirements to look for when purchasing a "Probiotic" (good bacteria) supplement.
It should have -
1) at least 10 different strains of bacteria.
2) a total culture count of at least 15 billion
3) delayed release so it will reach your intestines before being broken down
4) full potency until date of expiration
A lot of probiotic supplements do not meet these requirements, so always read labels to find a good one. Here's a link to the NEEDS website (discount supplements) that has some good options.
Lots of good bacteria in your body is essential to the function of your immune system and thus, your overall health. It's an easy step to take that could possibly yield amazing results in how you feel.
(Remember it takes time for your body to repair and heal itself. When starting a new supplement or program keep this in mind. With some supplements/programs you'll see results faster, but for major improvements in your health, 3 months is a general rule of thumb.)
So go find some good bacteria and give it your support. You'll be amazed how much it supports you and your health in return! =)
Even though it's meant as a joke, there's a lot of truth in it. We do need to support bacteria.
Right now it seems like most people, doctors, and companies are trying to rid the earth of all bacteria! Practically every product from hand soap to trash bags is now labeled "anti-bacterial."
Newsflash: God created bacteria. It serves a vital role in the earth's natural processes. It isn't going to go away anytime soon.
I think all this emphasis on "anti-bacterial" is actually very damaging. The bad bacteria are just getting stronger and more resistant to the chemicals and drugs used to kill them. And the good bacteria are being killed off more and more.
Yes, I said GOOD bacteria. Believe it or not, we need bacteria.
Did you know that approximately 80% of your immune system is in your gut (intestines)?
Whenever I heard that statistic before, I always assumed that was the doctor's way of trying to get me to eat healthier. =) But it's much more than just eating a healthy diet.
Can you guess the reason why 80% of the immune system is in the gut?
Because that's where the GOOD bacteria live!
Think of the good bacteria as the cowboys in the white hats, and the bad bacteria as the rustlers in the black hats. Good guys verses bad guys. When the bad bacteria enters our bodies, it's the good bacteria that's able to fight it off. The good bacteria also fights viruses, candida, and other invaders.
If there's not enough of the good guys in our bodies, then we're in serious trouble.
Because the good bacteria is such a huge part of the immune system, not having enough can cause all kinds of health problems. This includes everything from digestive problems to many things you wouldn't expect, such as: arthritis, chronic fatigue, skin problems, etc.
Certain foods are rich in good bacteria - saurkraut, yogurt, and other fermented foods. However, it's hard to eat enough of these foods to get all the good bacteria you need. (Not to mention that most yogurt has more sugar in it than ice cream has--unless it's plain and unsweetened. Eating yogurt for bacteria isn't worth the trade off of the sugar damage.)
So it's important to supplement with good bacteria.
According to Brenda Watson, author of "The Road To Perfect Health" ( - there are 4 main requirements to look for when purchasing a "Probiotic" (good bacteria) supplement.
It should have -
1) at least 10 different strains of bacteria.
2) a total culture count of at least 15 billion
3) delayed release so it will reach your intestines before being broken down
4) full potency until date of expiration
A lot of probiotic supplements do not meet these requirements, so always read labels to find a good one. Here's a link to the NEEDS website (discount supplements) that has some good options.
Lots of good bacteria in your body is essential to the function of your immune system and thus, your overall health. It's an easy step to take that could possibly yield amazing results in how you feel.
(Remember it takes time for your body to repair and heal itself. When starting a new supplement or program keep this in mind. With some supplements/programs you'll see results faster, but for major improvements in your health, 3 months is a general rule of thumb.)
So go find some good bacteria and give it your support. You'll be amazed how much it supports you and your health in return! =)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tips for a Less Toxic New Year
The following ideas are things that have become a way of life for all of us with Environmental Illness. For those of you who are still healthy, you can think of them as 'preventative medicine.' =)
Whenever you buy something new, even if it's not made in China, it still contains some amount of toxic chemicals. "Off-gassing" just means helping the item get rid of those chemicals before you put it to use or bring it into your living space. There are several ways to do this.
1) unwrap - Always remove items from boxes, bags, plastic wrapping, etc. and throw away immediately. This is where a lot of the chemicals come from. (If you have to keep a box or other packaging, be sure to store it in the garage or somewhere outside the house.)
2) air - Put the item on the porch, in the garage, or somewhere it can air out for a period of time. This is especially important with large household items like TV, exercise equipment, etc.
3) wash - For clothes and fabrics, wash at least twice before wearing or using. Non-washable items can be wiped down with a damp cloth and a bit of baking soda.
4) sun - Putting items in the sun usually helps them off-gas more quickly. Depending on the item, 20 minutes may be all you can do while 2-3 days is better for other things.
5) zinc - For appliances especially, zinc is a great tool since it binds to mercury. You can put 30 zinc tablets (capsules don't work for this) in a new washing machine for 30 hours and they will absorb much of the "new" chemicals. (Be sure to throw the zinc away afterward as it will be toxic.) For smaller appliances, less is needed, like 20 tablets for 20 hours. It's not an exact science. But any amount will help reduce toxins in the item.
1)toxic bags - Many stores' plastic bags are now toxic. I'm not sure if it's a disinfectant, deoderizer, or what. Throw plastic bags away as soon as you get home, or ask for paper bags (I think they aren't as bad), or if possible, take your own bag to the store.
2) toxic receipts - A recent study found the toxin BPA in many store receipts. You can read about it at this link:
If you don't need the receipt, don't take it or throw it away immediately. If you need it, keep a ziploc bag or other sealable container in your car and put receipts in it. Also keep a container of water to rinse your hands after handling receipts. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but BPA can absorb through your skin. It's better to take a little trouble and protect your health.
Water is one of the best healing resources for the body. Yet most of our water is contaminated with toxic chemicals and other contaminants. (One dr tested her water and found traces of anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs.)
1) whole house - You can get a whole-house water filter at Lowe's for less than $100. It removes some basic chemicals like chlorine. For all the times you wash your hands, dishes, laundry, etc. it's really good to have this filter, thus less chemicals infiltrating your life.
It does take a little know-how to put this filter in, but the maintenance is simple, just change the filter cartridge about every 3 months.
2) drinking water - One dr I know recommends each person should drink half their body weight in water (in oz) per day. So for 140lbs, drink 70 oz of water a day. I don't know anyone, besides myself, who actually does this. Yet it's one of the most important, and easiest, things you can do for your health.
I drink Evian bottled water because that's the only kind that I don't react to, but most experts agree that filtered tap water is as good or sometimes better than bottled water, depending on the variables. Here's a link with lots of information all about water filters.
3) shower filter - My dr once told me that when I take a shower, it's like drinking a big glass of that water. Our bodies are like sponges, absorbing what touches the skin. That's why a shower filter is so important (even on top of a whole house filter). Here's a link to one like the one I have, but I'm sure there are other good ones as well.
Water filters don't have to cost thousands of dollars to be helpful. Just find ones that work for you and then make the most of the wonderful gift of water!
TOP 10
Finally, here's a list of tips from the Natural News website, that I think is worth repeating here.
Ten powerful ways to protect yourself from toxic chemicals
If you want to protect yourself from these toxic chemicals, here's how to do it:
#1) Don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't eat! Avoid all mainstream consumer skin care, cosmetics and personal care products, period! Need soap? Try natural, organic brands like Dr Bronner's, AnnMarie Gianni or Pangea Organics.
#2) Don't eat foods made with chemicals you can't pronounce. Read the ingredients labels. If the list of ingredients is too long and complex to figure out, it's probably made more with chemicals than actual food.
#3) Don't poison your body with over-the-counter drugs or prescription pharmaceuticals. If you do need to use medication for short-term emergency use, be sure to detoxify your liver afterwards.
#4) Detox your liver, kidneys and colon at least once a year. You can do this with a juice fast combined with detox supplements such as those offered by or (get professional guidance from a naturopath before fasting).
#5) Drink more water. Most people simply don't consume enough water to effectively remove toxins from their bodies. If you don't like water by itself, drink fresh vegetable juices such as celery or cucumber juice (which are actually structured water).
#6) Cleanse your body with parsley, alfalfa, red clover, chlorella or chlorophyll. All these substances can help cleanse your body and eliminate toxic substances that may be detrimental to your health.
#7) Don't fill your home or apartment with products that off-gas toxic chemicals: Air fresheners, perfumed candles, particle board furniture, carpets, glues, etc.
#8) Don't cook on non-stick cookware. These are the worst! Invest in quality copper-clad stainless steel pans and use those. They'll last a lifetime and they don't contaminate your body with chemicals. Don't eat at restaurants that use non-stick cookware. (That's just about every restaurant in the world, it seems...)
#9) Buy certified organic products. In the USA, the USDA Organic Seal is a trusted seal that genuinely indicates organic quality (both in foods and personal care products). Don't be fooled by brand names that use the word "organics" in their name but aren't really organic. For example, "Bob's Organics" may or may not actually be organic. The Organic Consumers Association ( can keep you posted on what's what.
#10) Get the cancer out of your laundry! Stop washing your clothes in toxic brand-name laundry detergents, and stop using brand-name fabric softeners or dryer sheets. Do you have any idea what chemicals are used in those products? The truth would astonish you.
(from -
Well, this turned into a VERY long post. Sorry about that. Hopefully you found something helpful in it though.
May this new year be one of great joy...and less toxins! =)
Whenever you buy something new, even if it's not made in China, it still contains some amount of toxic chemicals. "Off-gassing" just means helping the item get rid of those chemicals before you put it to use or bring it into your living space. There are several ways to do this.
1) unwrap - Always remove items from boxes, bags, plastic wrapping, etc. and throw away immediately. This is where a lot of the chemicals come from. (If you have to keep a box or other packaging, be sure to store it in the garage or somewhere outside the house.)
2) air - Put the item on the porch, in the garage, or somewhere it can air out for a period of time. This is especially important with large household items like TV, exercise equipment, etc.
3) wash - For clothes and fabrics, wash at least twice before wearing or using. Non-washable items can be wiped down with a damp cloth and a bit of baking soda.
4) sun - Putting items in the sun usually helps them off-gas more quickly. Depending on the item, 20 minutes may be all you can do while 2-3 days is better for other things.
5) zinc - For appliances especially, zinc is a great tool since it binds to mercury. You can put 30 zinc tablets (capsules don't work for this) in a new washing machine for 30 hours and they will absorb much of the "new" chemicals. (Be sure to throw the zinc away afterward as it will be toxic.) For smaller appliances, less is needed, like 20 tablets for 20 hours. It's not an exact science. But any amount will help reduce toxins in the item.
1)toxic bags - Many stores' plastic bags are now toxic. I'm not sure if it's a disinfectant, deoderizer, or what. Throw plastic bags away as soon as you get home, or ask for paper bags (I think they aren't as bad), or if possible, take your own bag to the store.
2) toxic receipts - A recent study found the toxin BPA in many store receipts. You can read about it at this link:
If you don't need the receipt, don't take it or throw it away immediately. If you need it, keep a ziploc bag or other sealable container in your car and put receipts in it. Also keep a container of water to rinse your hands after handling receipts. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but BPA can absorb through your skin. It's better to take a little trouble and protect your health.
Water is one of the best healing resources for the body. Yet most of our water is contaminated with toxic chemicals and other contaminants. (One dr tested her water and found traces of anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs.)
1) whole house - You can get a whole-house water filter at Lowe's for less than $100. It removes some basic chemicals like chlorine. For all the times you wash your hands, dishes, laundry, etc. it's really good to have this filter, thus less chemicals infiltrating your life.
It does take a little know-how to put this filter in, but the maintenance is simple, just change the filter cartridge about every 3 months.
2) drinking water - One dr I know recommends each person should drink half their body weight in water (in oz) per day. So for 140lbs, drink 70 oz of water a day. I don't know anyone, besides myself, who actually does this. Yet it's one of the most important, and easiest, things you can do for your health.
I drink Evian bottled water because that's the only kind that I don't react to, but most experts agree that filtered tap water is as good or sometimes better than bottled water, depending on the variables. Here's a link with lots of information all about water filters.
3) shower filter - My dr once told me that when I take a shower, it's like drinking a big glass of that water. Our bodies are like sponges, absorbing what touches the skin. That's why a shower filter is so important (even on top of a whole house filter). Here's a link to one like the one I have, but I'm sure there are other good ones as well.
Water filters don't have to cost thousands of dollars to be helpful. Just find ones that work for you and then make the most of the wonderful gift of water!
TOP 10
Finally, here's a list of tips from the Natural News website, that I think is worth repeating here.
Ten powerful ways to protect yourself from toxic chemicals
If you want to protect yourself from these toxic chemicals, here's how to do it:
#1) Don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't eat! Avoid all mainstream consumer skin care, cosmetics and personal care products, period! Need soap? Try natural, organic brands like Dr Bronner's, AnnMarie Gianni or Pangea Organics.
#2) Don't eat foods made with chemicals you can't pronounce. Read the ingredients labels. If the list of ingredients is too long and complex to figure out, it's probably made more with chemicals than actual food.
#3) Don't poison your body with over-the-counter drugs or prescription pharmaceuticals. If you do need to use medication for short-term emergency use, be sure to detoxify your liver afterwards.
#4) Detox your liver, kidneys and colon at least once a year. You can do this with a juice fast combined with detox supplements such as those offered by or (get professional guidance from a naturopath before fasting).
#5) Drink more water. Most people simply don't consume enough water to effectively remove toxins from their bodies. If you don't like water by itself, drink fresh vegetable juices such as celery or cucumber juice (which are actually structured water).
#6) Cleanse your body with parsley, alfalfa, red clover, chlorella or chlorophyll. All these substances can help cleanse your body and eliminate toxic substances that may be detrimental to your health.
#7) Don't fill your home or apartment with products that off-gas toxic chemicals: Air fresheners, perfumed candles, particle board furniture, carpets, glues, etc.
#8) Don't cook on non-stick cookware. These are the worst! Invest in quality copper-clad stainless steel pans and use those. They'll last a lifetime and they don't contaminate your body with chemicals. Don't eat at restaurants that use non-stick cookware. (That's just about every restaurant in the world, it seems...)
#9) Buy certified organic products. In the USA, the USDA Organic Seal is a trusted seal that genuinely indicates organic quality (both in foods and personal care products). Don't be fooled by brand names that use the word "organics" in their name but aren't really organic. For example, "Bob's Organics" may or may not actually be organic. The Organic Consumers Association ( can keep you posted on what's what.
#10) Get the cancer out of your laundry! Stop washing your clothes in toxic brand-name laundry detergents, and stop using brand-name fabric softeners or dryer sheets. Do you have any idea what chemicals are used in those products? The truth would astonish you.
(from -
Well, this turned into a VERY long post. Sorry about that. Hopefully you found something helpful in it though.
May this new year be one of great joy...and less toxins! =)
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