I'm happy to report that I've had a wonderful summer of travels! I'm still amazed at how far God has brought me! Ten years ago I wouldn't have imagined I'd be able to do all the things I've been doing lately. Praise God!
My friends told me to take a lot of pictures this summer, so I did...I think I've taken over 2000 photos during the last five weeks. =) I thought I'd share some of them here. For me, these photos are a reminder that -
*God hears our prayers.
*We can hold on to hope even when we can't see.
*God has good plans for us even through the pain.
*Our suffering isn't wasted.
*God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine!
So here are a bunch of photos of me...I apologize if that's boring for you, haha. I have hundreds of pictures of beautiful scenery, but in this post I want to give God glory for what He's done for me and all the places He's taking me...places I didn't dream I'd be able to go. I hope this encourages you that God also has good plans for you, He does hear your prayers, and He will bring something good from your suffering.
God bless you!
The beach at St. Andrews is lovely!
I enjoyed visiting the Edinburgh museum.
Enjoying the park with friends.
Yes, that's me on a slide! =)
It was so cold in the Scottish Highlands! But worth it for the incredible view!
We visited a wild animal park. The tigers were impressive!
I love this beautiful waterfall in the countryside!
Northern Ireland
Visiting Glenariff, a breathtakingly beautiful place!
My friend and tour guide, Alan. =)
Me riding on a train from Belfast! It was actually pretty fun. =)

Going on a hike, believe it or not. =)
Visiting the village of Carnlough on the coast.
Getting ready to ride horses in County Down!!!
I tried to get my horse to stand still for the photo, but she loved to go! =)
My new buddy, "Bud."
So enjoyed seeing the Mountains of Mourne and the beach at Newcastle again.
(I was there in 2000 and loved it!)
Taking the ferry to the islands in the Oslo Fjord. Loved it!
Visited some ancient ruins from the 1100's, quite an experience.
The view over Oslo and the fjord is amazing!
Picnic at the harbor in Holmestrand.
So enjoyed the botanical gardens in Oslo.
Stopping to smell the roses. =)
View from the Opera House in downtown Oslo, with a glacier sculpture in the background.
We found a sweet little bridge up on a hillside. =)
Downtown Oslo, the city of the tiger.
I crossed this bridge several times while in Olso.
Practicing my ski jump position. =)
Visited a friend's art and music store. Loved it!
Still so much to see!
And now I'm heading back to Florida today. It's hard to say goodbye to all these special places and the wonderful people I've been blessed to spend time with. I'm so thankful for God's many gifts! And I'm looking forward to what He has in store for me next. =)
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