This November marks 9 years since my health collapsed. After many years of suffering, I'm SO grateful to report that my recovery continues progressing very well! I think I'm healthier now than I've probably ever been. God has healed my body of so many things, and 2013 has been quite a year for me!

- I was able to join a small group Bible study for the first time since 2004!
- I bought a rosebush and actually planted it myself!

- I went on a road trip for FUN! =) I spent two weeks traveling, seeing friends and family, and having a great time.
- I attended a HUGE Bible conference for 3 days and was tremendously blessed!

- I finally finished the book I started in 2010 - hallelujah!!! And I'm now facilitating a Bible study using that book. Praise God!
- I had my first speaking engagement! It was really fun, and I hope to do more in the future.
- I attended several family get-togethers and have greatly enjoyed being with my family again!
- I FINALLY got moved back in my bedroom!!! I've slept in there about 5 nights so far and seem to be doing well. Thank you God!
Looking back on this year, I'm overflowing with gratitude! God has done so much for me, in me and through me - to HIS glory!
I'm thankful He is still the same wonderful God that He's always been!
I'm thankful that for now I'm in a season of truly enjoying life. =)
I'm thankful that I can see so clearly how all the years of suffering were worth it, to bring me to where I am today.
I am SOOO thankful!
What are you thankful for today?
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