You Know You're An E.I. at Christmas Time When...
*You use red and green cotton T-shirts to make Christmas "art" and "decorate" your house.
*You tape old Christmas cards on the outside of your window so you can see them from the inside.
*You take your neighbors sweet potatoes from your garden instead of Christmas cookies.
*You make your own Christmas cards using 3x5 notecards, a pencil, and stick-figure art.
*You wrap presents in aluminum foil instead of wrapping paper.
*You watch the same PBS Christmas specials over and over.
*You give your family and friends vitamins, supplements or other healthy products for Christmas.
And, *You know how to celebrate in your heart the real meaning of Christmas - the gift of JESUS!
May you have a joyful Christmas in spite of life's challenges! =)
What would you add to this list? Have fun with it! =)
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