
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Simple Things

It's a cold, rainy day in February. I'm thinking about the little things and the simple things that can make life better.

Here are a few things I thought of that make life better for me.

*Clean air.
For years I've used the Foust air purifiers ( Then a friend told me about Honeywell air purifiers, and I've been using one of those that I really like. It works differently than the Foust ones (those are great for filtering chemicals). The Honeywell one seems to be better at filtering dust, pet dander, etc. They are both good air purifiers, just different.  You can find Honeywell air purifiers online at Walmart, Amazon or other places. Here's a link to the one I use now:

*Healthy food.
When I eat healthy food, I feel better - it's that simple. Most stores now have good options for finding healthy food, but it can still be a struggle to shop, read labels, and keep healthy food on hand. If you're trying to eat healthier this year and avoid junk food, this blog post might have some helpful tips.

So many times laughter is just the "medicine" I need. If you haven't laughed yet today, maybe this video will help with that. =)

These are three simple things in life that can make a big difference. =)

If there's a simple thing you appreciate that might be helpful for others too, please add to this list by sharing it with us in the comments. Thanks!

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