Last week I shared some basics about how to muscle test. Now here are a few more specifics that I hope will be helpful.
Allergy testing -
When testing for allergies, it's helpful to put a sample of the item you want to test in a glass jar (with a lid if it's something you're very reactive to). Then hold the jar and test, "Am I allergic to this ___?" I usually also test, "Am I sensitive to this ___?" Often I may not have a genuine allergy to the item, but my body is sensitive to it.
You can also test for combination allergies. For example: "Am I allergic to the combination of this egg and the pollen in the air?" I often have combination allergies, so sometimes I'll test not allergic to individual substances, but when I check them in combination I find the allergy.
When you're having an allergic reaction but you don't know to what, you can muscle test to help figure it out. We usually start by testing a few basic things:
"Am I reacting to something I ate?"
"Am I reacting to something in this room (or outside, or whatever environment you're in)?"
"Am I reacting to something I was exposed to in ___?" (If you were out shopping and felt worse when you got home, you might be reacting to something you encountered such as perfume, mercury, pesticide, etc.)
Usually we can keep testing until we pinpoint the specific cause of the reaction, then we either remove the item or try to clear the allergy (see note below).
Also, when you start to have an allergic reaction, it's really helpful to take some Tri-salts immediately. That will neutralize the reaction and hopefully keep it from getting worse. I carry Tri-salts in my purse so it's always handy.
Testing supplements -
When testing supplements, we always start with checking for an allergy. "Am I allergic to this pill/capsule/etc.?" Then we usually test " Am I sensitive to this ___? And often we also check, "Am I allergic to one of the ingredients in this ___? ...sensitive to one of the ingredients?" We do this because if you try to test the dose of a supplement that you're allergic or sensitive to, you won't get an accurate test.
Once you know you're not allergic or sensitive to the supplement, then you can test the dose. First make sure it's something good for your body by testing, "Would it be good for my body to take this ___?" If yes, then test, "Would it be good for my body to take more than one today?"
It's important to use this "more than..." phrasing, because that gives you the most accurate and specific information of how much to take.
For example: Would it be good for my body to take more than 5 vitamin C capsules today?" If the test is "yes," then you would ask, " take more than 6 today?" If the test is "no," then you know the best dose is 6 for today.
Some of my supplements test pretty much the same dose all the time. Other ones seem to vary. Sometimes I need 7 caps a day. Other times only 5 a day. What the body needs will change from day to day and week to week. That's one of the reasons muscle testing is so helpful, so you can know what is good for your body right now.
It's also helpful to test when is the best time of day to take a supplement. Believe it or not, this does make a difference. My mom almost always tests to take her potassium in the evening. If she tests it in the morning, it'll test not to take it. So you can test "Would it be good for my body to take this ___ right now?" Or "...with lunch? ...with supper? ...between meals?" etc. Certain supplements if I take them after 6pm will cause problems, such as allergic reactions before bed, difficulty sleeping, etc.
Certain supplements sometimes are better taken together, other times taken apart. (I usually take my magnesium and calcium at different times in the day, though occasionally we test I should take them together.) Your brain knows what is best for your body in the moment.
Now, obviously you don't want to spend your whole day muscle testing stuff. =) I understand. These are just some tips we've learned that hopefully will help you take care of your body the best way you can.
There are many other uses of muscle testing, such as locating parasites, viruses, candida, etc., identifying deficiencies, determining which treatments are most helpful, etc. But I think this is enough info for one post. =)
Do you have any questions? Is this info helpful? I always appreciate your feedback. =)
Note: A quick and easy way to clear allergies and sensitivities is something we learned from Dr. Smith who developed the CBT method.
While holding the item in your hand, place the back of your hand (or have someone else do it with their hand) on the top of your head for 5 seconds. This basically tells the brain that the substance is ok and it doesn't need to react to it anymore. Usually, just doing this once will clear the allergy. But it's ok to repeat it again later if needed.