
Friday, October 14, 2011

Fermented Foods

In response to my last post I was asked about plant-based probiotic foods. (Obviously fermented dairy products like kefir and yogurt have probiotics - though I only recommend them if they are made from organic, raw milk and not filled with preservatives and sweeteners.)

In "The Maker's Diet," author Jordan Rubin explains the importance of eating fermented foods - for the probiotics and enzymes they contain. (p.142-143 & p.153) He says modern vinegar-fermented foods are not the best kind to eat, even though most commercially made products use this method.

Jordan writes that lacto-fermented foods (using lactic acid fermentation) are the best for the body. These foods are easy to make or you can find them in many health food stores - foods like fermented vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beats, cucumber, etc.), pickled relishes, eggs, and even some fruits.

"The Maker's Diet" contains recipes for fermented vegetables and also lists national health food stores that carry such products. (You can probably check out this book at your local library. It's a helpful resource to have for many health & nutrition topics.) Jordan's company, Garden of Life, also sells a fermented coconut oil which is in most health food stores.

Personally, I haven't yet branched out to fermented foods because of my extreme sensitivity to them over the years. (I take a probiotic supplement which I order from However, I do agree with Jordan's information and hope to implement it in my diet eventually. Until then, maybe you can let me know how it works for you. =)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info, Joanna! I don't mind dairy but agree I want it raw. There are those who are horrified at the thought of raw milk - I am not one of them. ;-)
