

In the last twelve years I've learned a lot about health. Here are some of the resources (information, products, services, etc.) that have helped me and that I refer to often on this blog. I hope they'll be helpful for you in your health journey.

- Beyond Organic Insider

This is Jordan Rubin's blog where he tells the hard truth about many health and food issues. From revealing what's really in your drinking water, to exposing common food myths, stay informed about what's really happening in the food and health industries. I appreciate his willingness to speak up and be a voice of truth in this age of misinformation and deception.

- Environmental Working Group

This is an excellent site with all kinds of great information like - the Shopper's guide to pesticides, Bottled water guide, Cosmetics database, Cell phone radiation report, etc. 

You can sign up to receive email updates, (usually about once a week) or check out their blog -

This site has video clips demonstrating specific massage techniques, as well as other information about lymphatic massage.


NEEDS is a discount vitamin/supplement/health products site. They usually have better prices than most health food stores, and they have almost every product imaginable.

- Foust Company
This is the brand of air purifiers we've used for many years now. There are other good companies also, but this is the one we've found best for chemical challenges.

- Dr. Mercola

This link contains Dr. Mercola's thorough information about coconut oil and its many health benefits.

- Doug Kaufman 

Doug's mission is to educate people about candida, mold and fungus and how they affect the body. His website tells where you can watch his TV show, explains the Phase One diet, and has tons more information, articles, a blog, ezine, etc.

- Dr. Anthony Smith (Chiropractor/CBT practitioner)

This is the dr I saw in 2009 in Idaho. If you know someone in the Northwest area with chronic health issues, I highly recommend him! His CBT treatment is effective for - allergies, candida, parasites, viruses, etc. He has also developed a natural treatment for Lyme's that has been very successful. I know that being treated by Dr. Smith was a huge part of my healing process.

- Connie Newcome (Herbalogist)

This is the herbalogist I've worked with since 2009. She is very knowledgeable about the healing properties of various foods, herbs, plants, etc. I recommend her to anyone dealing with health challenges. (She does phone appointments, so she can work with anyone regardless of location.)

Ok, that's all for now. I hope you found something helpful here. If you're looking for information on anything specific, please let me know and I'll get back to you if I can help.

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