
Thursday, May 31, 2012

What An E.I. Girl Needs - 4

I'm sorry for the delay with this final post in the series. Here it is at last. Enjoy! =)

*Sometimes an E.I. girl just needs to be silly.*

I think as a teenager I was overly serious. Thankfully, God sent me a friend who was completely crazy. =) He always kept me laughing, and I never knew what he'd do next. (One time as we drove past a field with cows, he stuck his head out the window and yelled at the top of his lungs "Hey cow!" Just for the fun of it.) =) My friend helped me learn the value of a little silliness, and I'm glad he did!  

I can tell you that a sense of humor is an absolute must for those of us with E.I. (as it is helpful for any situation in life). My mom and I have often fought the difficult moments with a little wacky humor. Because sometimes an E.I. girl just needs to be silly!

Do you remember playing with your friends when you were 5 or 6? You did all kinds of silly things and it was FUN! =) I think we can all benefit from being a little silly now and then - talking to stuffed animals, making funny faces, playing make-believe with a child, reading a kid's book with all the different voices, or yelling "Hey" to a passing cow. =) 

Whatever you do, don't let life become so serious that you can't let go and do something silly once in a while. 

And if you need any help, let me know. I have silliness to spare. =) 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This & That

I apologize for not posting anything last week. I've been fighting a throat infection for almost two weeks now, so I'm a little behind. I appreciate your prayers for healing and for patience in the meantime. =) 

Today just wanted to let you know about a great blog by Jordan Rubin, founder of Beyond Organic company:
If you want to know the truth about the food you're eating, this blog has the real answers. Most of the information will probably shock you. I'm thankful that someone is standing up to tell the truth about today's dangerous "food." I hope you'll check out his blog and share it with others. And if you're not already eating organic, I encourage you to make the switch soon! 

I also wanted to share these verses that encouraged me today:
I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills His purpose for me. He sends from heaven and saves me...God sends His love and His faithfulness. -Psalm 57:2-3
Sometimes when we cry out to God, He doesn't immediately save us from the situation or difficulty we're facing. But He does always send His love and His faithfulness. No matter what we experience, His love and faithfulness continue to flow over us. For that I'm very thankful! 

I hope you have a joyful day! =)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Photos!

I can't resist posting more photos of my recent adventures. =) It's SO amazing to be able to live life again! I still have a few mountains to conquer, but I'm feeling great and enjoying life!
Thank you Annie Hopper for the Dynamic Neural Retraining System! And all praise to our awesome God!!! =)

Hanging out at the park with my sister. 

Scrapbooking - so fun! 

Playing with my niece. =)

Grocery shopping! Yes, I actually went into Publix, first time in years!

Garage-saling with my niece. 
(We didn't buy these purses, but I did find a cool cowboy hat!) =)

Doing my own laundry! (My mom is THRILLED about this one.) =)

Helping decorate for the Ladies' Tea at my church. 
I've gone into the church building 3 times now (for short periods), and my body has tolerated it better with each time, praise God! I should be able to attend services again very soon! YEAH! =) 

Well, that's the pictorial update for the last month. =) Thank you for rejoicing with me in these wonderful steps of progress! May you be encouraged today, as I have been, by these words from Psalm 40:

I waited patiently for the Lord;
He turned to me and heard my cry...
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God...
may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say, 
  “The Lord be exalted!”
-Psalm 40:1,3,16 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What An E.I. Girl Needs - 3

*Sometimes an E.I. girl just needs to scream!*

Ok, this feeling probably isn't limited to those of us with E.I. Maybe you feel this way right now. 

For me, the need to scream has often been in:
- moments of frustration at not being able to do "normal" things like everyone else
- moments where the absurdity of my life was overwhelming
- moments when I had no words for what I was experiencing and feeling
- moments when I just couldn't understand what God was up to.

In moments such as these, sometimes a girl just needs to scream.

Personally, I prefer a version of the Tarzan yell. Thankfully, my mom understands this need and is never shocked when I let loose with an "Ahahahahah!" =)

Of course, screaming doesn't solve anything in our circumstances. But it usually helps me release some of the pent-up emotions, so I can face life more sanely once again. 

I think the Lord understands when we feel like yelling to the sky. (Being considerate of other people of course.) 

Psalm 62:8b says, "pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge." Sometimes I think we need to pour out what is in our hearts before we're ready to let God fill us with His thoughts, attitudes and emotions.

So if you're having one of those days where you feel like screaming, maybe you can find an isolated place and just let it out. Then may the Lord fill you afresh with His all-sufficient love and grace.