
Thursday, March 31, 2011

What To Pray

This week I was thinking about my E.I. friends who are heavy on my heart. I want so badly to be able to change their circumstances, heal their bodies, and free them from suffering.

At the same time, I know that God has allowed me these years of health problems to bring about much good in my life. So even though I continue to ask Him to restore my friends' health, I thought of a few other important prayer requests...things I have often prayed for myself, things we can pray for anyone with E.I., maybe things you need prayer for as well, whatever your circumstances.

I hope these prayer requests will help you in praying for others and encourage you in your own relationship with God today.

Please pray for those with E.I. -

- to have sufficient courage to face each day's challenges. Some days we just don't want to open our eyes to another day of suffering. Only God can give supernatural courage.
"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." (Philippians 1:20)

- to continually meditate on God's promises, not negative thoughts, especially during sleepless nights.
"My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises." (Psalm 119:148)

- to find and hold on to hope - hope in God, but also hope for restored health. People with E.I. need to know that they can get better, that there are answers, that this illness won't last forever.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

- to practice vocal praise to God, in spite of how we feel and what we see.
"Accept, O LORD, the willing praise of my mouth," (Psalm 119:108a)

- to learn how to be truly happy in God alone. There is a genuine gladness we can have in knowing God, regardless of circumstances. But only God can accomplish this.
"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." (Psalm 90:14)

Praise God that He hears our prayers and listens to our cries!
Thank you for praying.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prayer Request

Please pray for my friends Sam & Nathan and their mom, Karen.

They have Environmental Illness, like me, only they are more sick than I am right now (about like I was 2 years ago). They don't have a computer because they are so sensitive to EMF's (Electromagnetic Fields). So we write letters and talk on the phone once in a while.

They live in the mountains of AZ, but the high elevation isn't good for them, so they've been wanting to move to a lower place. This seems like an impossible goal. With their chronic fatigue and extreme sensitivites, it's all they can do just to get through each day, let alone find a safe place to move to, get their van in working order, get all the details in place for a move, etc.

I talked with Karen briefly this week. Things have been rougher than usual lately, and she sounded pretty discouraged.
Because they've been dealing with these health problems for more than 15 years, they don't have a church family or much spiritual encouragement or support at all. My heart just goes out to them!

Sometimes I forget how incredibly blessed I am to have so many wonderful people praying for me, encouraging me, helping me.... I'm trying to be that for this family, but I could definitely use your help.

So, if you will, please take a moment today to pray for Sam, Nathan & Karen.
Pray that God will encourage their hearts and strengthen their faith in Him during this long, ongoing battle.
And please pray for God to divinely heal them, or to lead them to some real help and answers that will bring healing to their bodies.

Thank you so much! It's such a blessing to have this blog and know that people care about those of us with E.I. And it's an even greater blessing to be part of the Family of God! =)

Your sister in Christ,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Teach Me

I've had health problems for a long time, and I know a lot of people who are sick. The one thing we all pray continually is, "Lord, please heal me!"

We know God is our Healer, and thankfully we can always pray and ask Him for healing.

But I think many times God would like us to also pray, "Lord, please teach me."

Teach me how my body works.
Teach me what causes illness and why I'm sick.
Teach me about the things you have provided to help my body heal.
Teach me more about you through this trial.
Teach me to depend on your strength in my weakness.
Teach me whatever you want me to learn.
Teach me....

I can tell you that if God had healed me miraculously when I asked Him to several years ago, I'd never have learned all the things I know now. And I probably would have ended up getting sick again down the road, because I'd still have been ignorant of how my body works and what to do to keep it healthy. Not to mention all the spiritual lessons I would have missed.

I know our natural tendency in any trial is to just get OUT of it as quickly as possible! But God's goal for us is not a perfect life on this earth, but a life that is being transformed through our trials.

So as we continue to ask for healing, I hope we will also have courage to keep praying, "Lord, teach me."

"Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
-Psalm 27:11

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stick To It

You may already know this, but I think it's worth mentioning here - that teflon/non-stick cookware is hazardous to your health.

Here's a paragraph from the Natural News website:

" the two to five minutes that cookware coated with Teflon is heating on a conventional stovetop, temperatures can exceed to the point that the coating breaks apart and emits toxic particles and gases. At various temperatures these coatings can release at least six toxic gases, including two carcinogens."
(from -

I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to be breathing in any more carcinogens than I already am from living in this toxic world.

According to Dr. Valerie Saxion, the toxins we encounter from teflon are difficult for the body to detox, because they are stored in the fat cells. You can't just drink more water to 'wash them out.' (Eating parsley and cilantro can help somewhat in detoxing the fat cells in your body.) The toxins from teflon can also be passed through a mother to her unborn baby.

Our culture is always looking for what's convenient. But in many cases, what's convenient is also what's dangerous. Thankfully there are healthy and safe alternatives to cooking with teflon/non-stick coated pans.

"We continue to recommend cast iron and stainless steel cookware as safer options for stove-top cooking, and oven-safe glass for baking. These safer pans might be a little harder to clean, but your health is worth it."
(from -

In light of this knowledge, just wanted to encourage you to 'stick to' the healthy choices in cookware and say no to the non-sticky choices.

Just another simple way to protect your health and your family.
